This is very good! Who would like to live under such law? B.
  Monday, March 26, 2007 
  Europe Shariatized: Wife-Beating Legitimized by German Court 
By Srdja Trifkovic
The husband routinely beat his 26-year-old German-born wife, mother of their 
two young children, and threatened to kill her when the court ordered him to 
move out of their apartment in Hamburg. The police were called repeatedly to 
intervene. The wife wanted a quick divorce—without waiting a year after 
separation, as mandated by German law—arguing that that the abuse and death 
threats she suffered easily fulfilled the “hardship” criteria required for an 
accelerated decree absolute. The judge—a woman by the name of Christa 
Datz-Winter—refused, however, arguing that the Kuran allows the husband to beat 
his wife and that the couple’s Moroccan origin must be taken into account in 
the case. 
  They both come from a cultural milieu, Her Honor wrote, in which it is common 
for husbands to beat their wives—and the Kuran sanctions such treatment. “The 
[husband’s] exercise of the right to castigate does not fulfill the hardship 
criteria as defined by Paragraph 1565” of German federal law, the judge’s 
letter said. [emphasis added] The judge further suggested that the wife’s 
Western lifestyle would give her husband grounds to claim his honor had been 
  The reports in German and English do not state this, but Turkish papers have 
reported that the judge made specific reference to Sura 4, which contains the 
infamous Verse 34:
Men have the authority over women because God has made the one superior to the 
other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are 
obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for 
those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds 
apart and beat them.
  The wife’s lawyer, Barbara Becker-Rojczyk, could not believe her eyes: a 
German judge was invoking Kuran in a German legal case to assert the husband’s 
“right to castigate” his wife. The meaning was clear: “the husband can beat his 
wife,” Becker-Rojczyk commented. She decided to go public with the case last 
Tuesday because the judge was still on the bench, two months after the 
controversial verdict was handed down. The judge was subsequently removed from 
the case, but not from the bench.
  A spokesman for the court, Bernhard Olp, said the judge did not intend to 
suggest that violence in a marriage is acceptable, or that the Kuran supersedes 
German law. “The ruling is not justifiable, but the judge herself cannot 
explain it at this moment,” he said. But according to Spiegel Online this was 
not the first time that German courts have used “cultural background” to inform 
their verdicts. Christa Stolle of the women’s rights organization Terre des 
Femmes said that in cases of marital violence there have been a number of cases 
where the perpetrator’s culture of origin has been considered as a mitigating 
  Of some 25 million Muslims in Western Europe, the majority already consider 
themselves autonomous, a community justifiably opposed to the decadent host 
society of infidels. They already demand the adoption of sharia within 
segregated Muslim communities, which but one step that leads to the imposition 
of sharia on the society as a whole. Swedish courts are already introducing 
sharia principles into civil cases. An Iranian-born man divorcing his 
Iranian-born wife was ordered by the high court in the city of Halmestad to pay 
Mahr, Islamic dowry ordained by the Kuran as part of the Islamic marriage 
  As our magazine readers may recall, Europe’s elite class is ready for further 
surrenders. Dutch Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner—a Christian Democrat—sees 
the demand for sharia as perfectly legitimate, and argues that it could be 
introduced “by democratic means.” Muslims have a right to follow the commands 
of their religion, he says, even if the exercise of that right included some 
“dissenting rules of behavior”:
It is a sure certainty for me: if two thirds of all Netherlanders tomorrow 
would want to introduce sharia, then this possibility must exist. Could you 
block this legally? It would also be a scandal to say “this isn’t allowed”! The 
majority counts. That is the essence of democracy.
  The same “essence” was reiterated in similar terms last July by Jens Orback, 
the Swedish Integration [sic] Minister, who declared in a radio debate on 
Channel P1, “We must be open and tolerant towards Islam and Muslims because 
when we become a minority, they will be so towards us.” 
  To all forward-looking Europeans it must be a welcome sign that continental 
courts are catching up with the leader in sharia compliance, Great Britain. A 
key tenet of sharia is that non-Muslims cannot try Muslims. Peter Beaumont, QC, 
senior circuit judge at London’s Central Criminal Court, the Old Bailey, 
accepts the commandment not only in civil, but also in criminal cases. He 
banned Jews and Hindus—and anyone married to one—from serving on the jury in 
the trial of Abdullah el-Faisal, accused of soliciting the murder of 
“unbelievers.” “For obvious reasons,” he said, “members of the jury of the 
Jewish or Hindu faith should reveal themselves, even if they are married to 
Jewish or Hindu women, because they are not fit to arbitrate in this case.” One 
can only speculate what the reaction would be if equally “obvious reasons” were 
invoked in an attempt to exclude Muslims from a trial of an alleged 
  Here at home, The New York Times had a bone to pick with the German judge 
mainly because of her suggestion that Islam justified violence against women. 
It stated matter-of-factly, “While the verse cited by Judge Datz-Winter does 
say husbands may beat their wives for being disobedient—an interpretation 
embraced by fundamentalists— mainstream Muslims have long rejected wife-beating 
as a medieval relic.”
  In reality “mainstream Muslims” do nothing of the sort. New York Times’ claim 
notwithstanding, the original sources for “true” Islam—the Kuran and 
Hadith—provide ample and detailed evidence on Islamic theory and the sources of 
Shari’a practice that remains in force all over the Islamic world today. 
According to orthodox Islamic tradition, the verse invoked by the German judge 
(4:34) was revealed in connection with a woman who complained to Mohammad that 
her husband had hit her on the face, which was still bruised. At first he told 
her to get even with him, but then added, “Wait until I think about it.” The 
revelation duly followed, after which he said: “We wanted one thing but Allah 
wanted another, and what Allah wanted is best.” Qatari Sheikh Walid bin Hadi 
explains that every man is his own judge when using violence: “The Prophet 
said: Do not ask a husband why he beats his wife.” The scholars at the most 
respected institution of Islamic learning, Cairo’s Azhar
 University, further explain:
If admonishing and sexual desertion fail to bring forth results and the woman 
is of a cold and stubborn type, the Qur’an bestows on man the right to 
straighten her out by way of punishment and beating, provided he does not break 
her bones nor shed blood. Many a wife belongs to this querulous type and 
requires this sort of punishment to bring her to her senses!
  Physical violence against one’s wife, far from being Haram, remains divinely 
ordained and practically advised in modern Islam. “Take in thine hand a branch 
and smite therewith and break not thine oath,” the Kuran commands. Muslim 
propagators in the West “explain” that the Islamic teaching and practice is in 
line with the latest achievements of clinical psychology: it is not only 
correct, but positively beneficial to them because “women’s rebelliousness 
(nushuz) is a medical condition” based either on her masochistic delight in 
being beaten and tortured, or sadistic desire to hurt and dominate her husband. 
Either way,
Such a woman has no remedy except removing her spikes and destroying her weapon 
by which she dominates. This weapon of the woman is her femininity. But the 
other woman who delights in submission and being beaten, then beating is her 
remedy. So the Qur’anic command: ‘banish them to their couches, and beat them’ 
agrees with the latest psychological findings in understanding the rebellious 
woman. This is one of the scientific miracles of the Qur’an, because it sums up 
volumes of the science of psychology about rebellious women.
  According to Allah’s commandment to men (Kuran 2:223), “Your wives are as a 
soil to be cultivated unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will.” 
Therefore “the righteous women are devoutly obedient.” Those that are not 
inhabit the nether regions of hell. Muhammad has stated that most of those who 
enter hell are women, not men. Contemporary Azhar scholars of Egypt agree: “Oh, 
assembly of women, give charity, even from your jewelry, for you (comprise) the 
majority of the inhabitants of hell in the day of resurrection.” In the same 
spirit, courts in Muslim countries, to mention a particularly egregious legal 
practice, routinely sentence raped women to death for “adultery,” usually by 
stoning, because they follow the sharia that mandates this punishment. 
  To the outright divine command of every wife’s obedience to her husband, 
Muhammad has added a few comments of his own. When asked who among women is the 
best, he replied: “She who gives pleasure to him (husband) when he looks, obeys 
him when he bids, and who does not oppose him regarding herself and her riches 
fearing his displeasure.” Even in basic necessities the needs of the husband 
take precedence: “You shall give her food when you have taken your food, you 
shall clothe her when you have clothed yourself, you shall not slap her on the 
face, nor revile (her), nor leave (her) alone, except within the house.” The 
husband’s sexual needs have to be satisfied immediately: “When a man calls his 
wife to his bed, and she does not respond, the One Who is in the heaven is 
displeased with her until he is pleased with her.” 
  Such treatment of women might be expected to make Islam abhorrent within the 
cultural milieu epitomized by the equal-rights obsessed European Union and the 
neofeminist New York Times, but this has not happened. There is a reason for 
this. It is the refusal of Islam to accept the wife as her husband’s closest 
and inseparable loving partner and companion. Islam therefore challenges 
Christian marriage in principle and in practice. Muslim teaching on marriage 
and the family, though “conservative” about “patriarchy,” denies the 
traditional Christian concept of matrimony. Islam is therefore an “objective” 
ally of postmodernity, a few beatings here and a few rapes there 
  “I can only say, Good night, Germany,” says Ronald Pofalla, general secretary 
of Germany’s ruling Christian Democratic Union, of Frau Datz-Winter’s ruling. 
Unless the madness is checked it will be good night to us all well before this 
century is over.
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