KosovAr Albanians Arrested in a Terror Plot Against Ft. Dix 

The suspects include three ethnic Albanian brothers from the former
Yugoslavia - [read Kosovo] ,  who entered the United States illegally, part
of a family that has lived for years in Cherry Hill, N.J., where they
attended public schools and relatives ran a roofing business and a
pizzeria... The men, ages 22 to 28, held jobs ranging from roofer to
cabdriver to pizza deliveryman, and had no clear motivation other than their
stated desire to kill United States soldiers in the name of Islam. .."



Carrying Little but Hope, Albanian Refugees Begin Arriving 

...[T]the first 453 of 20,000 [Kosovo] Albanian refugees arrived here from
Macedonia today, taking the first step toward rebuilding their lives away
from the battlefield their homeland has become. 

Arriving on a chartered Tower Air 747 jet this afternoon, the refugees, many
of them women, children and old people, were taken to a newly fenced-in
section of the neighboring Fort Dix... They were welcomed to the gymnasium
by Hillary Rodham Clinton.... Above her was stretched a banner. ''Mirsevini
ne Amerike,'' it said: ''Welcome to America.'' 


First planeload of Kosovo refugees arrives in U.S.
May 5, 1999 - FORT DIX, New Jersey (CNN) -- Hot showers, meals and dry, warm
beds awaited a group of Kosovar Albanians who arrived in New Jersey on
Wednesday and were bused to a military base that has been transformed into a
child-friendly village. 

The 453 men, women and children in the group are the first wave of some
20,000 Kosovar refugees who have been offered sanctuary in the United States... 

...After a day of rest, the refugees will be interviewed again as part of
the process to find them sponsors -- a process that could take up to six
weeks, officials said. 

All are expected to eventually be assigned a city and will receive one
month's apartment rent, job training, English-as-a-second-language classes
and a sponsor family's support. 

New York, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, and Providence, Rhode Island have large
ethnic Albanian populations. 

"They have the rights of refugees for a year," said James Foley, deputy
spokesman for the State Department. "Our first priority is ... the refugees
who have family members in the United States who want to take them in.
Second, there may be Kosovar Albanian-Americans willing to take them in even
if they're not family members." 

"They are here under legal status," said Brig. Gen. Nick Zais, commander of
the joint task force. "We want to welcome them as we would have hoped our
grandparents would have been welcomed at Ellis Island." 

Zais and some 300 soldiers, part of the 18th Airborne Corps, came from Fort
Bragg in North Carolina to assist in the refugee effort. ..."

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