"U.S. will recognize independent Kosovo"

8 September 2007 | 14:38 -> 15:20 | Source: B92, Beta, Tanjug

WASHINGTON, BELGRADE, PRIŠTINA -- The United States are ready to 
recognize Kosovo's independence even without a UN deal, a State 
Department official says.

The Serbian government has reacted harshly Saturday to reports that the 
U.S. State Department representative, Kurt Volker, told journalists 
"everyone must take responsibility for maintaining peace and stability 
in the Balkans."

He then went on to say that, "if Kosovo unilaterally declares 
independence, the United States will recognize that independence, as, we 
believe, will others, since that is the only solution for the Balkans."

France Press says this is the first time a U.S. official has publicly 
confirmed this position in the Kosovo status crisis, which was, 
according to the agency, so far only mentioned in an unofficial context.

"We still hope that this will happen with a higher degree of agreement, 
and if possible, within the UN Security Council, in order to gain as 
wide as possible support for a stable solution in the Balkans," Volker 
was quoted.

Prime Minister Vojislav Koštunica's cabinet was quick to react, saying 
in a statement today that the remarks infringed on Serbia's sovereignty.

"The Serbian government expects the UN Security Council to, according to 
its jurisdiction, take necessary measures to protect Serbia's 
sovereignty and territorial integrity from the United States, and secure 
that Resolution 1244 is honored," the statement said.

Belgrade angry, Priština satisfied

While president of the Serb National Council in Kosovo, Milan Ivanović, 
says Volker's statement destabilizes the process and undermines the 
Contact Group Troika's efforts to arrive at a compromise solution, 
ethnic Albanian politicians are satisfied with the remarks.

Agim Ceku's spokesman, Avni Arifi, said today the government in Priština 
welcomed the statement, and pointed out this was not the only one of its 

"We know that President George Bush also clearly stated Kosovo talks 
cannot carry on indefinitely, so we see this as a way to end the process 
of determining Kosovo's status," Arifi told reporters.

Back in Belgrade, President Boris Tadić's Democratic Party (DS) was 
severely critical of the remarks.

"Such statements encourage extremism and take the meaning out of efforts 
of the negotiating sides," a party spokeswoman said Saturday.

The opposition, in the shape of the Serb Radical Party (SRS), condemned 
the State Department's stance on the issue.

"It is now clear the U.S. never wanted to see any negotiations, 
compromise or respect for international law, all they wanted was to 
submit the final bill after the 1999 aggression against the sovereign 
state of Serbia," Aleksandar Vučić, SRS secretary-general, said.

"They tried to snatch Kosovo via the UN SC, and when that didn't go 
smoothly, they tried with their friends in Serbia," the Radical official 

"When that failed too, they will now try with brutal force, but I am 
sure most of mankind will not accept this," Vučić concluded.

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