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From: Slobodan <[&#1045;-&#1055;&#1054;&#1064;&#1058;&#1040; 
To: Blic <[&#1045;-&#1055;&#1054;&#1064;&#1058;&#1040; 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]>; Glas 
Javnosti <[&#1045;-&#1055;&#1054;&#1064;&#1058;&#1040; 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]>; KURIR 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]>; Novosti 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]>; Politika 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]>; RTS Sat. 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]>; Sorabia 
<sorabia@yahoogroups.com>; DANAS <[&#1045;-&#1055;&#1054;&#1064;&#1058;&#1040; 
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 11:48:19 AM
Subject: [sorabia] Best Quote Ever

In a recent interview, one Serb was asked if he thought there was room for
forgiveness toward the people who have committed horrendous atrocities,
smashed churches , harbored and abetted the terrorists in Kosovo.

His answer was :

"I believe that forgiving them is God's function.

Our job is to arrange the meeting."

Za one koji ne razumeju engleski: U nedavnom intervjuu, jedan Srbin je bio
upitan da li on misli da ima prostora za oprostaj prema ljudima koji su
ucinili strahovite zlocine, razrusili crkve, sakrivali i pomagali teroriste
na Kosovu.

On je odgovorio:

" Ja verujem da je njihov oprostaj Bozija funkcija. Nas posao je da taj
sastanak organizujemo. "

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