Vojin Joksimovich has committed plagiarism of Emperor's Clothes in his
article "Butchering of Serbs condoned by the West," which is
ironically sub-titled "BANKRUPTCY OF MORAL VALUES," posted on the
Sorabia list.

Mr. Joksimovich has stolen an entire section of this article from one
that I wrote and published on Emperor's Clothes in 2001 under
my byline and that of Rick Rozoff. (Mr. Rozoff allowed the use of his
name because he wished to signal agreement with the article's defense
of the Serbs).  

Vojin Joksimovich's article is posted in full at
It is archived at www.tenc.net/a/joksim.htm
The section in which the plagiarism occurs is the second section from
the end, with the subhead "Terrorism against Serbia No Crime"

Below I have juxtaposed text from Vojin Joksimovich's plagiarism and
the Emperor's Clothes original. The Emperor's Clothes article, which I
later rewrote, can be read in original form at
That page is archived at www.tenc.net/a/terr.htm

1) Jokismovich's sub-head: "Terrorism against Serbia No Crime"
1) Emperor's Clothes original title: "TERRORISM AGAINST SERBIA IS NO

2)Jokismovich's  sentence: "The contrast between the language of UN
Resolution 1244 and UNMIK/KFOR practice is striking."
2) Emperor's Clothes original sentence: "The contrast between the
language of UN Resolution 1244 - 'respect for Yugoslav sovereignty',
'disarm the KLA', 'armed Kosovo Albanian groups [must] end immediately
all offensive actions' - and the reality of UN/NATO practice is striking."

3)Jokismovich's sentence: "The message they delivered to the Kosovo
Albanian terrorists is that secessionist terrorism is legitimate."
3) TENC original sentence: "[The release of the terrorists says:] But
of course we really consider Albanian expansionist terrorism perfectly

4) Jokismovich's sentence: "The Albanian terrorists were treated as a
regular army engaged in a legitimate military action."
4) Emperor's Clothes original sentence: "KFOR was declaring that the
UCPMB terrorists constituted a normal army engaged in legitimate
military action."

5) Jokismovich's sentence: "Killing policemen and sniping at civilians
obviously did not constitute 'serious crimes.'" 
5) Emperor's Clothes original sentence: "They were laying land mines,
killing policemen, sniping at civilians. By letting these men go free,
wasn't KFOR declaring that these acts of violence against Serbs and
uncooperative ethnic Albanians in Serbia (and by extension, against
similar groups in Macedonia) do not constitute 'serious crimes?'"

6)  Jokismovich's sentence:  "In the mass media, these terrorists were
portrayed as rebels."
6) Emperor's Clothes original sentence: "And so the various terrorist
forces who are killing uncooperative Macedonian Albanian clan members
not to mention Macedonian policemen are described in the mass media as

As you can see, Joksimovich altered the sentences enough so that a
google search will not take one to the original.

For the same reason, apparently, he misquoted KFOR as stating that:
"KFOR screened and released all LAPMB members who are not suspected of
having committed serious crimes." If you enter that text in google,
putting it in double inverted commas ("quotation marks") you will get
zero results because KFOR did not use the English initials for the
terrorist group 'Liberation Army of PreĀševo, Medvedja and Bujanovac'
(LAPMB) but the Albanian version, UCPMB.  Why change "UC" to "LA"? 
Because if you search for the quotation in Google the correct way
("KFOR screened and released all UCPMB members who are not suspected
of having committed serious crimes") Google gives only one result: an
article from Emperor's Clothes. Since people do tend to search for
quotes (to make sure they are real), and since of course Joksimovich
wished to avoid directing people to TENC, and therefore the possible
discovery of his theft, he took the precaution of altering the quotation. 

That Mr. Joksimovich has, with such attention to detail, plagiarized 
my text casts a shadow of shame on him. 

That he has stolen the work of someone who has given all that he has -
his time - to research and writing, so that people might know the
truth about the Serbs, is more than shameful.  It is an insult to the

Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor's Clothes

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