Dragane pa zar ne vidis da oni znaju da broje nase pare bolje od nas.
Kad je Vlado Divac hteo da kupi Knjaz Milos mineralku nasi politicari to jeste 
Jevrejski namesnici su rekli ne i Sada je cifut uzeo sve bez 9i jedne pare.
Oni znaju samo da nas bombarduju i broje nase pare  Ami ko manijaci radimo a 
oni ubiraju profite.
Ja cesto putas gledam dookumentarne filmove iz prirode. Cak su i divlje 
zivotinje sloznije od nas ludi i zavadjenih Srba.
Cak i zivotinje daju nam svojim primerom kakao treba voleti svoje.
Svi su se vise opametili nego mi Srbi..
Pozdrav od milana.
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Dragan Rakic 
  To: sorabia@yahoogroups.com 
  Cc: SN-vesti 
  Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2008 2:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [sorabia] U.S. ambassador: Serbia should move toward EU

  Mr. Munter love Serbs like Mr. Bush loves them too.
  They love us to the point to bomb us and take our territory to give it to
  What else could they do? As their love for Serbs is enormous, I'm sure they
  have plenty of ideas
  to show their love and friendship.

  2008/6/1 angelina markovic <[&#1045;-&#1055;&#1054;&#1064;&#1058;&#1040; 

  > U.S. ambassador: Serbia should move toward EU
  > 1 June 2008 | 13:25 | Source: Beta
  > BELGRADE -- Washington wants to help the Serb people, but the future
  > government must be open for such cooperation, U.S. Ambassador to
  > Belgrade Cameron Munter says.
  > The American diplomat told the daily Večernje Novosti that he is
  > convinced that Serbia's decision to move toward Europe would be a way to
  > secure stability in the Balkans, and added he doubted a different outcome.
  > "I expect a time when we will be able to work with the pro-European
  > parties and a pro-European government in Serbia. There is plenty of
  > common ground that we could work on and I truly believe that it will be
  > so, because the people in this country have clearly stated their
  > preference in the elections," the newspaper quoted Munter as saying.
  > The ambassador continued that while his country wished to cooperate
  > economically, as well as in the sectors of culture and education, he was
  > "skeptical that this could be realized if a Koštunica-Šešelj government
  > were to be formed".
  > "I wonder, can we achieve all these things we believe the people of
  > Serbia deserve with this government," Munter said.
  > As for the possibility that the Socialists (SPS) might join the cabinet,
  > he said "conversations with the party's officials indicate that they too
  > seek a European future, which is a U.S. desire as well".
  > "The point of working with a pro-European government, even if it does
  > include the Socialists, is this: we have plenty of work to do and while
  > there's the will to solve problems, we can work together," Munter
  > continued.
  > As for the diplomatic relations between his country and Serbia after the
  > U.S. recognized the Kosovo Albanians' unilateral declaration of
  > independence, Munter said that while he had no chance to meet with high
  > officials in Belgrade, he did travel and speak to businessmen and
  > municipal presidents.
  > The ambassador told the daily that they said the people in Serbia wish
  > to be a part of Europe and friends with the European states and the U.S.
  > Munter also dismissed claims made by some European politicians that
  > their countries were forced to recognize Kosovo under strong American
  > pressure.

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