Right...As if they (Sakashvili and Tadic) were cloned by Frankenstein,
both with a wrong (inadequate) brain.


--- In sorabia@yahoogroups.com, Boba 
&#1047;&#1040;&#1064;&#1058;&#1048;&#1035;&#1045;&#1053;&#1040;]> wrote:
> An Excellent aticle. 
> Serbia's president Boris Tadic and Georgia's Saakashvili , it seems,
are the same person!!
> ..." Saakashvili's personality invites a comparison with an
aggressive orangutan heavily fed with bananas and taught to attack
strangers. He came to believe sincerely that he had become a key
player in the global politics and enjoyed the support of the world's
number one country. His brain was not big enough to appreciate the
sophistication of his boss's political wisdom, and he loyally obeyed
the trainer's commands having no idea what finale loomed ahead. ..."
> Also, Gorgians must be close relatives of Kosovo Albanians :
> ..." The statement actually makes little sense. In reality, "the
prominent and cultured Georgian nation" is no less infected with
Nazism than "the prominent and cultured German nation" used to be in
its darkest epoch. It would take a Denazification in Georgia, a
process that would also encompass a De-Americanization, to make
friendship with the Georgian nation possible. At the moment, the
majority of Georgians hates Russia, and it is nor Russia's fault that
Georgians fell so easily to Washington's dirty propaganda." 
> http://en.fondsk.ru/article.php?id=1540
> 12.08.2008
> Dmitriy SEDOV
> The Moment of Truth
> Leaving Tbilisi, C. Rice probably smiled broadly at the Georgian
still-President. She must have thought: "Poor nice guy". Perhaps she
even cried as the plane was taking off – she had just signed her
Georgian friend's sentence. Well, the laws of the US politics have no
mercy to individuals in general and to tamed apes in particular. In
the meantime, the still-President, inspired by the promises he heard
from Condoleezza, launched urgent preparations for an attack on South
Ossetia. Troops – soldiers, tanks, mobile hospitals and mortuaries -
started moving towards the security zone. It seems that he was
sincerely unaware that a political death sentence had been handed out
to him and was soaping the rope for himself with his own hands. 
> He is too young and his credulity is still uninfluenced by
experience. It just did not occur to him that the US needed his help
to do something quite tricky – to drag Georgia into NATO without
destroying the existing structure of relations with Russia. Washington
was quick to realize that Moscow would struggle to retain its
historical positions as much as it can and that the objective cannot
be accomplished noiselessly. Saakashvili did not suspect that from the
start he was appointed to play the role of a kamikaze with a mission
to blow up the whole situation and transform it into something totally
new. This was the reason why weapons were fed massively to Georgia
since the very first days of the Rose Revolution and why it was being
directly conditioned for a war. Saakashvili's personality invites a
comparison with an aggressive orangutan heavily fed with bananas and
taught to attack strangers. He came to believe sincerely that he had
become a key
>  player in the global politics and enjoyed the support of the
world's number one country. His brain was not big enough to appreciate
the sophistication of his boss's political wisdom, and he loyally
obeyed the trainer's commands having no idea what finale loomed ahead. 
> The US stopped believing in a peaceful integration of Abkhazia and
South Ossetia into Georgia a long time ago. It was understood in the
US very well that the defiant Republics would never agree to the
option, nor would Moscow let them do it. As a result, the US spent
four years working towards an urgent solution. The idea was that a
kamikaze President was to launch an aggression against Tskhinvali,
thus triggering Russia's response, and get defeated by the "evil
empire". The outcome would warrant the admission of the tiny Georgia
to NATO without unnecessary formalities like a membership plan. Under
the scenario, a leak of information concerning Saakashvili's actual
role will be impossible to prevent, and some of the Europeans would
rather not see him in their company. That is a serious circumstance
for Mr. Saakashvili. The genocide facts will inevitably become broadly
known, and he will be a figure unfit to lead Georgia to NATO. He will
have to
>  be replaced. The task is easy to accomplish – the small and
defenseless Georgia will remain on the alliance's agenda while
Saakashvili, who – as the US Department of State will put it – is
partially guilty, will be eliminated by one shot in the back of the
head or inhale emissions from a heater at the apartment of one of his
girlfriends, as it has happened to Georgian politicians in the past.
The compromised orang-outang with small brain will present a problem
to his trainers, he will be able to reveal shocking details of his
work for them, and, generally, he will be a disturbance. It will make
sense to silence him forever, especially as the corresponding methods
are nothing new. 
> It appears that the US has drawn up a realistic plan of a war to the
last Georgian soldier. Since Russia has no intention to spread the
military operation beyond the security zone and is going to limit its
activity in the Georgian territory to surgical airstrikes, the results
of the US preparations for Georgia's NATO membership will remain
unaffected. Those are 
> - The population's anti-Russian sentiment; 
> - The vehemently anti-Russian and pro-US ruling elite; 
> - The infrastructure which is practically ready to host the US troops; 
> - The "global public opinion" outraged as a result of an
anti-Russian campaign. 
> Everything is ready. The time to withdraw troops and to open
negotiations will come after the active phase of the process. The need
to protect Georgia and to admit it to NATO urgently will be invoked,
and the ascension of a more moderate figure than Saakashvili to the
Georgian Presidency will reassure Moscow which will need a lot of time
to recover after a global smear campaign. 
> There is a problem with the plan, though. In its framework, Georgia
undoubtedly loses not only South Ossetia but also Abkhazia. Thus
Russia is offered an exchange: it gets the two de-facto Republics
while NATO gets Georgia. Even though for Georgia the amputation of
Abkhazia means the loss of access to a segment of the Black Sea coast
desired by NATO generals, there still remains Ajaria with the Batumi
seaport. Combined with the Sevastopol naval base in Ukraine, which is
currently leased by Russia but will eventually fall into the hands of
the US as well, this is enough to encircle the Russian navy. 
> At the moment, the US is interested in the escalation of hostilities
in Georgia as this is the quickest way to reinstate the concept of
Russia as the "evil empire" in the West. Currently, this is the US top
priority – in case Russia manages to break the informational blockade,
to demonstrate the real situation in the conflict zone to the world,
and to expose those openly and implicitly responsible for the
massacre, Georgia's chances to get a pass to NATO would shrink.
Therefore, the show must go on! The Western media cannot be expected
to be objective and unbiased – this is not their function. Rather, it
is likely that Russian President D. Medvedev – similarly to
Yugoslavian President S. Milosevic - will be branded the butcher of
> The US plan is nearly error-free. Only a slight mistake has been
made – it should be taken into account that traits occasionally
surface in the Russian character for which Russians are likened to an
awakened bear. What if Russians are not going to agree to the scenario
which is already understood by the Kremlin? Georgia's tremendous
vulnerability stems from the fact that it is a Republic based on the
discrimination against all the nations other than Georgians. As a
result, it can collapse momentarily, for example, in case the
Abkhazians extend assistance to other nations which are no less eager
to be independent. What if they will? We would be more than happy
should this happen. We would hate to see an apery breeding ferocious
orang-outangs set up in the Caucasus. 
> Post Scriptum
> One often hears that "the prominent and cultured Georgian nation"
must not be equated with the criminal clique which has seized power in
Georgia. The statement actually makes little sense. In reality, "the
prominent and cultured Georgian nation" is no less infected with
Nazism than "the prominent and cultured German nation" used to be in
its darkest epoch. It would take a Denazification in Georgia, a
process that would also encompass a De-Americanization, to make
friendship with the Georgian nation possible. At the moment, the
majority of Georgians hates Russia, and it is nor Russia's fault that
Georgians fell so easily to Washington's dirty propaganda.
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