Memorial service held for boys killed five years ago in Kosmet       
13. August 2008.

A memorial service was held at the church of the Holy Virgin in 
Gorazdevac near Pec in Kosmet for two Serbian boys who were killed five 
years ago while bathing in the Bistrica River. Serbian PM Mirko 
Cvetkovic had said that the murder of the Serb children in Gorazdevac 
must not be forgotten and called upon the international community to 
shed light on this crime, and to punish the perpetrators. On this day, 
five years ago, 18-year old Ivan Jovovic and 12-year old Pantelija Dakic 
had been gunned down from automatic weapons, and four more Serb children 
were seriously injured in this attack. The perpetrators have still not 
been discovered.

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