Letters to the Editor
The Boston Herald
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

                           American hypocrisy     Given that we violated 
Serbia’s territorial integrity in mercilesslybombing the Serbs and stealing 
Kosovo from them to make an Islamic haven inEurope, why should the Russians do 
any differently in Georgia with the“might makes right” precedent (“Russia: 
Forget Georgian territorialintegrity,” Aug. 14)? As we trained and equipped 
Georgian forces, we’reprovoking the Russians. I would be much more careful if I 
were Condoleezza Rice. Russia still has enough nuclear weapons to destroy the 
world and we’re bogged down with our own violations of territorial integrity in 
Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Instead of treating Russia as an enemy, we 
shouldadmit our errors in setting these precedents and allow Russia to join 
NATO. Michael Pravica, Acton __________ NOD32 3367 (20080819) Information This 
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