-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        [sn-vesti 58847] Fw: The New Zealand Herald letter submitted
Date:   Wed, 27 Aug 2008 06:44:10 -0400
From:   sparta <

I submitted the following letter to The New Zealand Herald.  To my 
knowledge, it was not published. Guess they didn't want to know the 
truth about Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet.  Stella

The New Zealand Herald
19 August 2008
*I take exception to the comment by Irfan Yusuf regarding the 
Muslim-Serb couple who were "gunned down by Serb snipers." *
*Japanese state television NHK reported in 1994 that the lovers were 
murdered by Bosnian Muslims rather than Serbs.  A documentary containing 
both Bosnian Serb and Muslim testimonies reported that Muslims were 
responsible for the murder of the lovers, whom the Western media 
nick-named Sarajevo's Romeo and Juliet.*
Serbs were also accused by Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic of 
killing 250,000 Bosnian Muslims during the war.  However, BBC reported 
in 2002 that approximately 40,000 were killed, on all sides! Other 
Balkan experts put the deaths at between 20,000 and 70,000.   
Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic wrote in his Islamic Declaration, 
"There can be no peace or coexistence between Islamic faith and 
non-Islamic faith political institutions...The Islamic movement must and 
can take place as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough, 
not only to destroy the non-Islamic one, but to build up a new Islamic one."
Whereas Yugoslavia was once a multi-ethnic, multi-religious state, 
Bosnia today is the Muslim state that Izetbegovic had envisioned. 
Considering the atrocities against Serbs by Bosnian Muslims, by al-Qaida 
and by NATO's unmerciful bombing for 78 days of innocent civilians, one 
must wonder, who are the real victims?
Stella L. Jatras 

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