Tuesday, February 17, 2009 

TADIC: A judicial approach on Kosovo

Boris Tadic

A year ago today, a great disturbance with global implications was felt
throughout the international system - the unilateral declaration of
independence by the ethnic-Albanian authorities of Serbia's southern
province of Kosovo. 

This blatant attempt at secession is in direct violation of United Nations
Security Council resolution 1244 (1999), the U.N. Charter, and the Helsinki
Final Act. As a result, a vast majority of U.N. member states, including
many with multiethnic populations, have refused to recognize Kosovo's

At the time, we stated clearly that Serbia would never recognize Kosovo's
unilateral declaration of independence under any circumstances. This
position is enshrined in our constitution, and will not change.
Self-determination and secession cannot be forced on a democratic country. 

The way in which the Kosovo issue was addressed was a failure and should be
a lesson to all. An attempt to force the settlement of one outstanding
international issue has produced even more unfinished business. In the
context of today's dramatic global challenges, this is something the
international community does not need. 

Pristina's ethnically motivated attempt at secession severely tested the
resilience of our democracy. Serbia met the challenge with a carefully
measured policy designed to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity
in a peaceful way. From the very onset of this grave crisis, we ruled out
the use of force, and have remained steadfast in our commitment not to
exercise other unilateral options, such as imposing economic sanctions,
against our breakaway province. 

For the first time in the history of our region, an issue of such
fundamental importance and complexity - passionately involving all at once
identity, boundaries, communal rights and opposing historical narratives -
has not resulted in armed conflict. My country's strategic decision to
contest the unilateral declaration of independence at the International
Court of Justice - as a result of last September's referral by the United
Nations General Assembly - constituted a paradigm shift in favor of peace in
the Western Balkans. 

The international court will take at least all of 2009 to render its
advisory opinion on whether the unilateral declaration of independence
violates international law. Once the court has spoken, the question of
Kosovo's future status could be revisited. 

It is imperative that the judicial process be allowed to run its course,
free of political interference. No one should attempt to circumvent the
international justice system by pushing for new recognitions of Kosovo or by
trying to encourage multilateral bodies to extend membership to the
secessionist authorities in Kosovo - initiatives Serbia would have no choice
but to vigorously counter. 

Instead, legitimate stakeholders must now find ways to constructively engage
on a whole host of practical issues, while continuing to respect each
other's red lines. Perhaps most important is our common commitment to keep
the Kosovo issue entirely delinked from the region's European Union
accession process. 

Despite the present difficulties my country faces, from the financial crisis
to the lack of consensus in Brussels on our full cooperation with the Hague
Tribunal, attaining EU membership as rapidly as possible remains the central
strategic priority of the Republic of Serbia. 

Our purpose is clear and our will to become fully integrated into the
European Union is unshakable. Serbia is the indispensable anchor of
democratic stability and security in the Western Balkans, uniquely placed to
act as the region's EU accession accelerator. Our success would cement the
recent democratic gains made throughout the region. 

Should Belgrade and Brussels commit to working in concert, we would succeed
together in helping the Western Balkans move forward and weather the
consequences of the economic crisis. This cooperation will enable us to take
a decisive step in the direction of completing the primary piece of Europe's
unfinished strategic business: rapidly achieving the membership of all the
countries of the Western Balkans in the European Union. 

Boris Tadic is the president of the Republic of Serbia. 


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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