Arrest warrant issued for perpetrators of crime in Sarajevo

10:18 BELGRADE, Feb 26 (Tanjug) -  The investigative judge of the 
Belgrade War Crimes Chamber has ordered an investigation and the issuing 
of an arrest warrant against 19 persons, including Ejup Ganic, who are 
suspected with war crimes against members of the Yugoslav People's Army 
(JNA) in Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo in 1992, and the Serbian 
police have acted accordingly, authorised officials have stated.

District Court spokeswoman Ivana Ramic told Tanjug that the suspects 
were also charged with the use of illegal weaponry and that they will be 
put in custody.

The national news agency learned at the Serbian Interior Ministry on 
Wednesday evening that the body had received the investigative judge's 
decree on December 29, 2008, after which the warrant had been issued.

During their attack on the convoy of soldiers of then JNA in 
Dobrovoljacka Street in Sarajevo, members of the Bosnia-Herzegovina army 
killed and wounded a number of officers, soldiers and civilians.

(end) tp/dz

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