May 30, 2010

NATO, police fire teargas at protesters in Kosovo

-Ethnic Albanians, led by veterans of the 1998-99 war against Serbian forces 
[the "Kosovo Liberation Army"], rallied to protest against the local election 
in the three Serb-dominated municipalities in northern Kosovo where Pristina 
has no control.

Kosovo: NATO peacekeeping troops and police fired teargas on Sunday to separate 
thousands of ethnic Albanians and local Serbs in the divided Kosovo town of 
Mitrovica during protests against Serb local elections.

The elections are being held with the backing of the Serbian government in 

Kosovo, a former province of Serbia with a mainly ethnic Albanian population of 
two million, declared independence in 2008 but this has not been recognized by 

A Reuters eyewitness said shots were fired near the bridge on the Ibar River 
that separates the southern, ethnic Albanian part of the town from the 
Serb-dominated northern district.

"We have used a small amount of teargas and intervened to stop groups of Serbs 
and Albanians and prevent a further escalation of violence," said Kosovo police 
spokesman Besim Hoti.

Two people on the Serb side were slightly injured by rocks the two groups of 
protesters were hurling at each other, health authorities in the Serb part of 
Mitrovica said.

NATO troops, European Union police and Kosovo law enforcement officers in full 
riot gear were deployed at the bridge, facing both sides. NATO helicopters and 
unmanned reconnaissance drones were seen flying over the area.

"Together with NATO troops and EU police we are trying the prevent more 
incidents," Hoti said.

Ethnic Albanians, led by veterans of the 1998-99 war against Serbian forces, 
rallied to protest against the local election in the three Serb-dominated 
municipalities in northern Kosovo where Pristina has no control.

The government in Belgrade, which remains staunchly opposed to Kosovo's 
independence, is backing the election.

Tension has remained high in north Kosovo since the Albanian majority 
proclaimed independence from Serbia in February 2008, nine years after NATO 
bombed Serb forces....

The 120,000 Serbs in Kosovo refuse to cooperate with Albanian-run institutions 
and the EULEX force.

(Reporting by Fatos Bytyci and Branislav Krstic; Writing by Aleksandar Vasovic; 
editing by Tim Pearce)

Beta News Agency/Tanjug News Agency
May 30, 2010

KFOR stops clashes in northern Kosovo 

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA: Stones were being thrown between Serbs and Albanians across 
the bridge that separates northern and southern Kosovska Mitrovica.

KPS, KFOR and EULEX forces in the region stopped the conflicts from escalating. 

There are no reports of injuries yet. The conflicts began at about 12:30 CET on 
the main bridge, where EULEX police are stationed. 

Before the incidents occurred, there were some 2,000 Albanians protesting the 
Serb elections in the north on the southern side of the bridge, calling for a 
“defense of Kosovo’s sovereignty.” 

The Albanians moved towards the bridge later, where local Serbs were gathering. 

Stones and rocks started flying from each side shortly after. There are still 
several thousand Serbs and Albanians on each side of the bridge. 

Serbs are voting in local election in Kosovska Mitrovica and Novo Brdo on 

Protests by former KLA members and the Movement for Unity are being held in the 
southern part of Mitrovica against the elections, which were organized by 
Serbian officials. 

There are 13 lists participating in Mitrovica and four in Novo Brdo. 

In central Serbia, displaced persons in Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kraljevo, 
Kragujevac and Niš would be able to vote as well. 

The Serbian government dissolved the local governments in Kosovska Mitrovica 
and Novo Brdo on December 24, 2009, and established a temporary administration 
in the municipalities. 

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