Serbia and Kosovo

The border question

Some in the region think the unthinkable: redrawing borders

Jun 3rd 2010 | PRESEVO | From The Economist print edition

IN THE past few weeks American and European officials have been strident: 
Kosovo should not be partitioned. Who said it should be? No senior Serbian or 
Kosovo-Albanian official has suggested redrawing the borders. Privately, 
however, it is a different matter. And that is why diplomats are nervous. 

Kosovo declared independence in 2008. Some 69 countries have now recognised it. 
Numbers count, but some countries count more than others. Russia, China, India 
and five European Union members still refuse to recognise Kosovo. 

In October 2008 Serbia managed to get the legality of Kosovo’s declaration 
referred to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The court will 
give an advisory opinion later this year that is expected to be ambiguous. At 
that point Serbian officials will ask the United Nations General Assembly to 
pass a resolution demanding new talks on Kosovo’s status. 

This outrages American and European diplomats, who privately tell Serbia’s 
leaders that by fighting so tenaciously over Kosovo, they are jeopardising 
Serbia’s EU accession prospects. Nobody, they say, wants to import a “new 
Cyprus” into the EU. 

Vuk Jeremic, Serbia’s foreign minister, says his country will choose Kosovo 
over the EU. Yet 90% of Kosovo’s 2m population are ethnic Albanians, who are 
ferociously hostile to Serbia. Nobody in Belgrade seriously believes they could 
be incorporated back into Serbia’s body politic. 

Boris Begovic, an economist, argues that Serbia needs a plan B. He suggests 
that it might forget about EU accession and follow the path of Norway and 
Switzerland, which harmonise most of their laws and policies with Brussels, but 
are not EU members. Another idea is the so-called German option, which harks 
back to the cold-war days when the two German states neither recognised each 
other nor actively hindered each other on the international stage. 

But then there is the option that sets so many on edge. Kosovo has some 130,000 
Serbs. Most live in small southern and central enclaves, but almost half live 
in a sliver of land north of the River Ibar (see map 
). This region is part of Kosovo, but the government’s writ does not run there. 
On May 30th local elections were held under Serbian auspices. 

Many Kosovars would be happy to be shot of their indigestible north. They talk 
of trading it for Albanian-inhabited parts of south Serbia, such as the Presevo 
valley, where two-thirds of the 90,000 people are Albanian. An exchange of 
territories with Serbia, says Ragmi Mustafa, the Albanian mayor of Presevo, 
would “would bring stability to the region and stop war forever.” For their 
part, many Serbs believe that their country could give up its claim on Kosovo 
south of the Ibar.

Western diplomats fear that even discussing border changes could stir the 
Balkans’ ghosts, leading to trouble in Bosnia and Macedonia. No adjustments are 
likely in the short or medium term. But without some movement, the Albanian 
south of Serbia and the Serbian north of Kosovo will remain poor and neglected. 
Belgzim Kamberi, a human-rights activist in Presevo, laments that “we are 
hostages of relations between Belgrade and Pristina”. They could yet be part of 
the solution, not the problem.

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