Serbia: Ex-premier urges alternative to EU bid 

Belgrade, 24 June (AKI) – Serbia's prospects of joining the European Union are 
slim so it should think of a future outside the economic bloc, former prime 
minister Vojislav Kostunica said on Thursday. 

“Serbia will have to find an alternative because the EU, because of its 
problems, has put expansion to new members on hold,” Kostunica said. 

Twenty-two of the EU's members have recognised Kosovo and each of these 
countries could veto Serbia’s entry, Kostunica noted. 

The Serbian government has so far refused to recogise Kosovo's independence, 
which seceded from Serbia in Februrary 2008. 

Kostunica accused Serbian president Boris Tadic of “political deceit”, for 
claiming Serbia's EU prospects did not depend on its recognition of Kosovo.

But EU officials have recently indicated that there was no place for Serbia in 
the EU if it failed to recognise Kosovo or at least to establish "good 
neighbourly relations”.

Kostunica said Serbia should cultivate the best possible relations with the EU 
and base its development on European values, but could join the Union only with 
Kosovo as its integral part.

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