USA Trying to Impose the Kosovo Model in Sri Lanka
Posted on June 29th, 2010 

- Kumar Moses

USA has “strongly urged” the Sri Lankan government to make use of the 
“panel”(1). Now that came as a surprise to some; didn’t it?  And how strange 
that it was appointed just a week after “fact finding missions” by four US top 
officials. (2) The cat is out the bag! It is no longer a secret who is behind 
Ban-Ki Moon’s panel. It’s the same old Uncle Sam trying out the same old Kosovo 
model. What the USA is cooking for Sri Lanka is the same concoction it cooked 
for Serbia-Kosovo five years ago. It was one successful concoction that worked 
for a change. Kosovo declared independence in 2008. Although not recognized by 
the UN and most countries, USA, UK, France and a few others recognize it. USA 
managed to create a permanent dependant satellite state in the strategically 
important central Europe.

Kosovo, Bosnia, etc. have given USA a reason or an excuse to deploy a large 
force in the all important central European region. Using US friendships in the 
region, American defence agencies are trying to put up a missile defence system 
targeting Russian ICBMs. After trying it in Poland and the Czech Republic, now 
the focus has moved to Romania. It is easy to guess the next move will be to 
the region Albania-Bosnia-Kosovo. And that will be the final resting place.

South Asia is even more strategically important and USA is trying every trick 
in the book to have a permanent presence in the region. Afghanistan in the long 
haul is too dangerous and winning hearts and minds of Afghans is not going to 
happen. Ethnic Albanians and Bosnians who are very closely related are elated 
when a visiting US official stops by. So will be the piglets of Tamil Elam when 
the mother swine comes around. After that it will be turned into a military 
post to maintain US strategic defence interests in the all important South 
Asian region with open doorways to the Middle East and Far East.  

What is the Strategic Importance of a South Asian Island?

Diego Garcia saw one of the most despicable acts of genocide perpetrated by two 
superpowers. However, they found out that it is too far “from the action”. 
Action includes military action currently underway and proposed action. 
Currently Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan have been set alight for no reason. 
Iran may be the next.

Proposed military action includes interfering in the Taiwan and Tibet regions 
of China, India, Indonesia, etc. Why is the region so important for these 

Economic power in the world is shifting it to the Asian region. China and India 
will be the first and third economic powers in time to come. This is a 
challenge to the traditional economic powerhouses. Even in traditional economic 
powerhouses, people of Indian and Chinese origin are increasing their hold.

Apart from economic power, there is military power. Defence expenditure is 
rapidly increasing in this region which means the emergence of powerful nations 
capable of taking on traditional superpowers. Traditional superpowers want to 
nip it in the bud.

Over 50% of the world population live in this region. It makes it strategically 
important for superpowers. Bombarding them with propaganda, winning their 
support or at least not antagonising them to the global exploitation process 
and making use of them to counter themselves are some of the “uses” of this 

Further, world’s largest Islam population is in Indonesia while the second, 
third and fourth largest Islam populations are in Pakistan, India and 
Bangladesh. In other words, the region has close to 50% of the world Islam 
population too. Most Islamic fundamentalists to cause calamities for western 
superpowers originated from this part of the world. Therefore, it pays to keep 
a close watch over them.

The large Tamil Diaspora in western countries makes matters even easier to 
create a puppet nation in the North-East of Sri Lanka. Tapping into the Tamil 
Diaspora to have inroads into the region is another advantage.

These are some of the very powerful reasons why traditional western superpowers 
are eyeing the region. To their misfortune, they cannot establish military 
bases in the region. Then the only option is to create a puppet nation that 
will have no option than to house a large military base even if it means the 
same fate as Diego Garcia. At the very least the puppet nation will agree to 
allow Americans the use of it’s territory, continental waters and the exclusive 
economic zone for their military work.

The Kosovo Model at Work in Sri Lanka

Following the brutal war in former Yugoslavia, NATO troops occupied the area. 
The conflict ended and Bosnia-Herzegovina gained freedom. However, things 
didn’t end here for the Americans. They wanted more. That was how Kosovo was 
separated a decade after the conflict ceased. At first a bogus reconciliation 
process was initiated by the USA. Strangely, it was more about keeping people 
separated based on ethnicity than integration. (3) Occupying US troops made it 
difficult for Serbia to carry out any integration with Kosovo (Kosovo was and 
still is a part of Serbia according to Serbia and most countries). It is this 
same twisted reconciliation model the US follows on Lanka.

Interestingly, Tamil groups in the USA highlighted the need for a two state 
“reconciliation” model. (4)

The puppet nation needs to do basic land and resource management in its 
territory. This aspect has been taken over by USAID projects. (5) Under the 
guise of sustainability, a series of workshops have been carried out in Kosovo 
and Sri Lanka to “empower” persons from the respective regions. Many concerned 
Sri Lankans highlighted the dubiousness of the project. (6)

However, unlike in Kosovo, USA cannot deploy troops. This deficiency is 
overcome by compelling Sri Lanka to devolve power to the regions, especially to 
the North-East region. In doing so, USA seeks the support of other regional 
nations like Bosnia and France in the case of Kosovo and India in the case of 
Lanka. For the time being, the US strategy perfectly aligns with the Indian 
strategy on the North-East. The next step is to establish the infrastructure 
for independent diplomatic missions. As in Kosovo (Pristina) before 
independence (7), USA plans to establish a separate “American Corner” in Jaffna.

Subjugating leaders, both political and military, to give up on the targeted 
territory is the next step. In the case of Kosovo, war crimes trials commenced 
as there were genuine war crimes. Yet, apart from an obvious connection to 
Bosnia, Kosovo was not connected. But by subjugating Serbia over it’s war 
crimes committed mainly in Bosnia, US planners managed to keep Serbia silent. 
In the case of Sri Lanka, there are not even genuine allegations of war crimes 
but the US insists on investigations. It is for the same thing – to subjugate 
Sri Lanka so that there will be little resistance to the separation of the 

Ban-Ki-Moon played a unique role in the Kosovo affair. (8) He used his position 
to quell any tensions that was arising from the incident. However, the Kosovo 
project was appropriately retaliated just eight months later in a spectacular 
display of military might by Russia, which made the Americans speechless. 
Pro-Russian South Ossetia and Abkhazia gained independence from pro-US Georgia 
following a short war. Given their resources, size and access to the strategic 
Black Sea means there is the clear winner and a loser from the whole episode. 
Although it was a unique case, Ban-Ki-Moon has once again become the cat’s paw. 
When the UN Security Council rejected interference, Americans by-passed it 
using Ban-Ki-Moon who comes from pro-US South Korea to appoint a highly 
ambiguous panel. While Moon claims that it is to advise him, US contradicts his 
claims by saying that it is to investigate Sri Lanka. This bias shows the need 
to appoint the UN General Secretary from a nation that is not aligned to any of 
the superpowers.

In short, most groundwork in the second Kosovo project has been already 

It all Adds Up

During the last stages of the war, USA offered its military assistance to Sri 
Lanka but was refused. In the immediate aftermath of the 2004 tsunami, US 
troops landed on the island fearing the repetition of what happened in Aceh, 
Indonesia. Following extensive tsunami destruction, Aceh rebels were quickly 
overpowered by the Indonesian troops, forcing them to give up. This is what the 
American troops wanted to avoid. After it was clear it would not happen, they 
left. There was no real aid they brought in as it was a sham operation! (9)

In 2009, USA issued a possible war crimes report and wanted Lanka to answer to 
the claims. Why did the US and not any other nation initiate this? However, 
following a series of other developments, the matter was shed.

Blake – the US ambassador to Colombo repeatedly acted in very hostile manner. 
This was something unseen from all previous US ambassadors. He tried every 
trick to halt the war to save the tiger administration. Although Chilcott – the 
British High Commissioner – too followed a similar approach, he didn’t 
interfere as much as Blake did. Blake was very popular before his ugly 
manoeuvre. Why?

After more blames and absurd allegations, Hilary Clinton declared in April 2010 
the recommencing of US-SL joint military exercises. (10) These were done weeks 
ahead of a planned Russian military drill in the region. (11)

Although seem unrelated, all these add up in the scheme of things.

How to Overcome this Threat?

This got to be overcome by friendly means. The problem got to be fixed not in 
the arena of SL-US relations but in frustrating the Tamil Elam separatism 
project. If a separate nation or any other autonomous entity cannot be created 
in North-East, the US, etc. plan collapses. Sure, they will try other means and 
other countries but this particular threat will disappear if Lanka acts with 
diligence. Rapid and increased militarisation of the North is key to addressing 
the issue. Large, permanent security forces bases should be erected in the 
North. Land and police powers should not be given to any regional 
administrative body. Paramilitaries must continue to carry weapons. In essence, 
nothing significant should be allowed to function in the north without the 
sanction of security forces.

However, this is not going to achieve anything permanent. Change of government 
certainly changes defence priorities. To ensure continued military presence, 
large agricultural and industrial colonization schemes must be carried out 
adjoining army camps. Since security will be an ongoing issue, camps will have 
to stay here despite politicians’ whims and fancies. In addition to huge 
economic development, increase in food production, reduction in unemployment 
and ease of landlessness, these colonization schemes would bring, they can 
supply army camps with agricultural produce saving billions of rupees every 
year. These new settlements should be provided with schools, hospitals, 
electricity, access roads, entertainment facilities, libraries, sport 
facilities, etc. The Gam Udawa scheme must be revived to create new villages in 
the North reawakening the past glory in the region.  

Most defence forces’ personnel don’t own land despite winning 1,000,000 
hectares of land for the country from terrorist occupation! Building large 
housing projects adjoining army camps in conjunction with colonization schemes 
will provide not only housing but also a better work-life balance to forces 
personnel and less travelling. These are essential requirements to keep troop 
morale high and manage defence expenditure at a sustainable level.

Colonization frustrates the Tamil Elam project. Trincomlaee and Ampara 
districts are good examples. Decades ago racist political parties won in these 
districts but thanks to large scale colonization schemes such as Gal Oya, 
Senanayake Samudra, etc. ethnic composition has changed for the better. Tamil 
racist political parties including ACTC, ITAK, TULF, TNA, etc. promote 
separatism and racism making it difficult for ethnic integration. Making them 
less powerful is the surest way to weaken the Tamil Elam project. Today 
national political parties win these two districts and communal parties lose. 
In short, the “ethnic problem” has been sorted in these districts. When 
communal parties are not powerful, it helps people to resolve their problems.











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