--- On Sun, 7/25/10, Bob Djurdjevic:

Subject: Kosovo: "Might Is Right" UN Court Rules (July 25) 

Date: Sunday, July 25, 2010, 7:22 PM



Three days ago, a news story about a decision by the UN World Court in the 
Hague caught my eye, causing the creative juices of a former war correspondent 
to well up in me again.  But as I did more research about it, the deeper I dug, 
the more I realized that I really had very little new to say on the topic.  
Yet, I felt it was the story worth telling. Perhaps now more than ever, 
considering the worsening situation on the Arizona border.


So finally, after three days of regurgitating all the implications, I finally 
wrote this Truth in Media editorial.  It encompasses and references links to 
many of the past pieces I had done on this topic, hopefully without repeating 
many.  So check it out...

UN Court at the Hague Rules NATO's Occupation, Kosovo's Secession from Serbia 
Was "Legal"

 <http://www.truthinmedia.org/Bulletins2010/Kosovo_Kangaroo.html> Kosovo: 
"Might Is Right" UN Court Rules

Kangaroo Court Judges Jump Again on Washington Masters' Cue, Making Mockery of 
International Justice




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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