Article submitted to The Hamilton Spectator (Canada) 
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From: Colin C.M. Campbell <>

Colin C. M. Campbell, PhD
July 27, 2010
August 4 is the anniversary of Operation Storm, in which, in 1995, the Croatian 
army, with massive American support, killed 14,000 Serbs, expelled 200,000 and 
destroyed three-quarters of their homes, without a word of protest from the 
Western press. Many of these refugees found their way to Canada. Hundreds of 
them live in this city, yet their story remains unknown to most of us. The 
received wisdom is that, in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, Serbian 
President, Slobodan Milosevic, caused the war by invading the Yugoslav 
to create a Greater Serbia. Parallels were drawn to Hitler and the Third Reich 
and staged photographs appeared to confirm the existence of concentration camps 
in Bosnia. The true story is the complete opposite of this one.
During WWII, Germany’s ally, the Croatian Ustashe, murdered 600,000 Serbs in 
Jasenovac concentration camp. The Bosnian Muslims and the Albanians in Kosovo 
raised battalions for the Waffen SS and Mussolini united Kosovo with Albania. 
The Serbs were our courageous allies, whose support of us caused them terrible 
suffering. In the 1990s a pro-Ustashe government in Croatia, an Islamist 
president in Bosnia, and Albanian nationalists in Kosovo began the ethnic 
cleansing of Serbs from areas in which they had lived for hundreds of years. 
During EU negotiations to resolve the conflict, Germany unilaterally recognized 
the independence of its wartime ally Croatia, despite warnings that this would 
make peace impossible. Henry Kissinger stated, “Premature recognition called 
into being a civil war, not a country.” Premature recognition resulted in a 
bloodbath. The Serbs did not cause the war. Nazi admirers did. For this reason, 
it is ludicrous for Canadian public opinion to equate Serbs with Nazis.
There were two peace agreements negotiated by the EU and the US, both of which 
the Serbs adhered to. The Vance Peace Accord curtailed hostilities between 
Croatia and Serbia. The accord was broken by Croatia and a lightly armed 
Canadian battalion of peacekeepers was engaged in a firefight to protect three 
Serb villages from ethnic cleansing. Its commanding officer, Col Jim Calvin, is 
a true Canadian hero, yet few of us have heard of him or his battalion. The 
Bosnian Muslims broke the second peace agreement, the Lisbon Agreement, 
to secure peace in Bosnia. The Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic then 
“Abandoning the Lisbon Agreement will lead to hundreds of thousands dead and 
hundreds of towns destroyed.” Once again, the Serbs kept their word, whereas 
their opponents did not.
The demonization of the Serbs in Canadian minds is pervasive and unjust. Ante 
Gotovina, Ivan Cernak and Mladen Markac, the Croatian generals who planned and 
executed Operation Storm, were indicted for war crimes by the International 
Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia. Next time you meet a Serb, please 
remember this article and greet them with respect. Our slander and ignorance 
put them through a very great deal.

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