Carla Del Ponte investigated over illegal evidence

Former war crimes prosecutor accused of allowing bullying and bribing of 
witnesses in trial of alleged Serbian warlord Vojislav Seselj

Carla Del Ponte, the former chief prosecutor at the International Criminal 
Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. Photograph: Laurent Gillieron/AP 

Carla Del Ponte, the former war crimes 
<>  prosecutor who put Balkan warlords 
and political leaders behind bars, is to be investigated over claims she 
allowed the use of bullying and bribing of witnesses, or tainted evidence.

Judges at the UN war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in The Hague 
today ordered an independent inquiry into the practices of Del Ponte and two 
prominent serving prosecutors, Hildegard Ürtz-Retzlaff and Daniel Saxon, after 
complaints from witnesses that they had been harassed, paid, mistreated and 
their evidence tampered with.

It is the first time in the tribunal's 17 years in operation that top 
prosecutors have faced potential contempt of court rulings.

During her eight years as chief prosecutor, Del Ponte, a determined Swiss 
investigator now serving as her country's ambassador to Argentina, was a 
combative and divisive figure. She left her post in 2007.

The allegations against her concern the working practices of her team of 
investigators in the ongoing prosecution for war crimes of the Serbian 
politician, Vojislav Seselj, a notorious warlord.

"Some of the witnesses had referred to pressure and intimidation to which they 
were subjected by investigators for the prosecution," said a statement from the 
judge in the Seselj case. "The prosecution allegedly obtained statements 
illegally, by threatening, intimidating and/or buying [witnesses] off."

One Serbian witness said he was offered a well-paid job in the US in return for 
testimony favourable to the prosecution.

"The statements mention sleep deprivation during interviews, psychological 
pressuring, an instance of blackmail (the investigators offered relocation in 
exchange for the testimony they hoped to obtain), threats (one, for example, 
about preparing an indictment against a witness if he refused to testify), or 
even illegal payments of money."

An independent investigator, expected to be a French magistrate, is to report 
on the allegations within six months. Prosecutors in The Hague rejected the 
allegations while promising to co-operate with the inquiry.

"We believe our staff have conducted their work in a professional way within 
the rules," said Frederick Swinnen, special adviser to Serge Brammertz of 
Belgium, who succeeded Del Ponte as chief prosecutor.

Seselj, who surrendered to the tribunal seven years ago, has been alleging 
prosecution dirty tricks for years. He is routinely disruptive in court, 
trading insults. He has already been sentenced to 15 months for contempt of 
court after revealing the names and addresses of protected witnesses.

Judge Jean-Claude Antonetti, who ordered the Del Ponte investigation and who is 
presiding over the Seselj trial, has himself come in for strong criticism for 
"bending over backwards" to accommodate the accused.

Antonetti said the tribunal was taking the allegations seriously and refused 
"to allow any doubt to fester concerning a possible violation of the rights of 
the accused and concerning the investigation techniques employed by certain 
members of the prosecution".

While tribunal experts believed the judge was conducting an exercise in 
political correctness, today's unprecedented decision was the second blow this 
month for prosecutors in major international war crimes trials.

In the trial, also in The Hague, of the former Liberian president, Charles 
Taylor, the prosecutor's decision to summon Naomi Campbell as a witness this 
month backfired badly when the supermodel failed to supply explicit evidence 
linking Taylor to "blood diamonds" and warmongering in Sierra Leone.


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