Kosovo squeezing its way into European Community

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Pyotr Iskenderov

Aug 19, 2010 17:41 Moscow Time

The European Commission has officially supported Kosovo’s bid for gaining 
membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). 

“Pristina’s membership in the EBRD will be a very important step forward, 
following Kosovo’s admission into the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the 
World Bank (WB) last year, the European Commissioner for Economic and Monetary 
Policy Olli Rehn said in Brussels. 

Olli Rehn has made a statement to the effect on the results of his talks in 
Brussels with the Minister of Economy and Finance of the Republic of Kosovo 
Ahmet Shala. The latter said: “We’re very optimistic about Kosovo’s gaining the 
votes, which are necessary for becoming a member of an influential institution 
- such as the EBRD.” Explaining his optimism  by the recent ruling of the UN 
International Court of Justice (ICJ), which proved  favourable for Pristina, 
Mr. Shala  stressed that the “circumstances had improved and that many 
countries had sent positive signals”.      

There’s no doubt that gaining membership in the European Bank for 
Reconstruction and Development is as important for Kosovo as Pristina’s similar 
status in the World Bank and in the International Monetary Fund. Meaning the 
realization by the Kosovo authorities of the so-called “creeping” strategy, 
aimed at turning Pristina into a full and equal member of the international 
communities, if not de jure, then de facto. 

Understanding perfectly well that as a result of Russia’s tough stand, Kosovo’s 
chances to join the United Nations are very slim, its authorities are searching 
for other ways. And it is not by chance that active efforts are being made to 
implement, as soon as possible, a number of projects providing for the 
construction of modern transport corridors via Kosovo, including first of all 
the main line leading to the seaport of Durres in Albania on the coast of the 
Adriatic Sea. Such projects fit in well into the general strategy of the 
European Union and enable both Pristina and Tirana, which supports it in every 
way possible, to show their worth as Brussels’ active partners, as Expert with 
the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander 
Karasev stressed in an interview for the Voice of Russia.    

"We’re ready to help our Kosovar brothers, Albania says. We’re ready to get 
involved in the construction of a road leading from Kosovo to Durres in the 
northern part of the country. This is a big seaport, which EU officials could 
use to arrive in Kosovo.  Besides, it is equally good for the transportation of 
goods, products, and the like. A similar situation is emerging around 
Pristina’s bid for membership in the European Bank for Reconstruction and 
Development. In its programme documents the EBRD positions itself as an 
“international financial organization” and as the “biggest investor in the 
region” – that is why economic, not politico-legal terms, should be used to 
interpret Kosovo’s admission. And this will be done for the development of the 
Balkan Region at large."     

But the main thing here is this: the current situation reflects very well the 
European Union’s policy in relation to the Kosovo problem. Under the conditions 
when five out of the 27 EU member-states, including Greece, Spain, Cyprus, 
Romania, and Slovakia, refuse to recognize Kosovo’s independence, the green 
light is given to Pristina’s integration into various financial-economic, 
infrastructural and other projects. Such a turn of events gives a certain 
freedom of action to Serbia too since Serbia is very much interested in 
cooperation with the European Union and in the economic development of the 
Balkan Region. However, such a status -quo will remain until Brussels decides 
that it’s high time that the issue dealing with the recognition of Kosovo in 
exchange for membership in the European Union be put point-blank before Belgrade


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