Anti-Roma Racism

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Anti-Roma Racism 

About 300 Gypsy (or Roma) camps have been raided or destroyed in France. Last 
year about 10,000 of them were expelled 
<>  to Bulgaria or Romania. Several 
reports mention that tractors demolished their homes or they are being 
imprisoned or children deported. 

Attacks on immigrants is something that has been growing recently in the 
European Union, but what is striking in this case is that the Gypsies or Roma 
are citizens from Romania and Bulgaria, members of this block. 

President Sarkozy argues that those who have no economic means or employment at 
minimum, even if they are of the European Union (especially the last two 
countries that have joined the alliance), must choose between an 'optional' 
subsidy or be removed <>  to the 
Balkans <> . Italy welcomes the 
initiative that "this would extend to other sectors of immigrants." 

Villepin, Sarkozy's rival in the Gallic right, argues that these are measures 
to attract votes. Pope Benedict XVII has utilized subtle criticism. Catholic 
sectors of the ruling coalition do not rule out a possible split in the 
government party, while the level of acceptance of Sarkozy in the practicing 
Catholic population (half of France) has fallen more than 60% to less than 50%. 

The government retorted that to combat crime many nomadic gypsies must be 
eradicated. Several priests contend that crime is confronted by reducing 
poverty and the number of poor. 

The attacks against the Roma are an expression of a policy that has struck 
millions of Latino and Third World immigrants in the 'Fortress Europe'. 

There is also an alarm within a Europe that since 1945 has sought to break with 
the Nazi past. During World War II, Hitler ordered massacres and gassing of 
between half a million to one and a half million Gypsies. 

In medieval Europe, while Jews were a people settled in urban business 
<> , there were nomadic gypsies who 
specialized in recreational activities. After World War II, the first case led 
to the establishment of the state of Israel while the nomadic gypsies have 
achieved an international consensus against any pursuit of theirs. 

On the other hand, Roma do not have a state or a strong international 
representation to defend them. In Europe, it is normal to see newspapers that 
have anti-Gypsy titles daily on their covers. 

Ten of the twelve million Roma in the world are believed to be living in Europe 
(mostly in the EU), especially in the two extremes of the southern peninsulas 
(in Iberia, where there would be up to 1.5 million of them, and the Balkans), 
although many argue that there are between 2 to 5 million of them in Turkey. 

Accusing Gypsies of being synonymous with 'thieves' (as in other places is done 
with respect to blacks) is a demagoguery that can attract some popularity, but 
it damages the social cohesion of any country and allows in every society the 
cancer of racism to grow at the expense of human rights and democracy. 

(*) "It is a shameful policy. It is an electoral strategy. This will do nothing 
for the security of the French." 

"Their goal is to put pressure between the right and left and I protested 
because the French right is not like that," adds Dominique de Villepin.


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