How Kosovo Is Ripping Europe Apart

September 3, 2010: Bosnian Serbs in the Republika Srpska are glad that the 
International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruled the Kosovo's unilateral declaration 
of independence was legal. The Bosnian Serbs have wanted to exit Bosnia and 
join Serbia for quite some time. The Bosnian government officially says its 
borders are fixed, but then, Serbia's are not. One Bosnian Serb official made 
the interesting argument that the ICJ's ruling supersedes the Dayton Accords 
which ended the Bosnian War and established Bosnia's current government. In 
August several other Balkan countries also indicated they are very interested 
in the ICJ's July 22 decision. The court declared that it was ruling on 
Serbia's petition about Kosovo – implying it was a unique case. Other nations 
aren't sure. There are many observers who regard it as an indication that the 
time is approaching when European borders will be allowed to shift. Moldova has 
been worried that Transdniestr will secede and use the ICJ ruling as a pretext. 
Though Georgia is not in the Balkans, it is another instructive example. The 
separatist regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia good use the ICJ ruling to 
promote independence. Russian forces are still in those enclaves. As for 
Western Europe, Spain remains concerned about Catalan and Basque separatism. 

September 1, 2010: The Bosnian parliament agreed to send a small military 
contingent to Afghanistan. Thus 45 Bosnian soldiers will serve with a Danish 
force in Afghanistan's Helmand province. 

August 30, 2010: Bulgaria announced it intends to go through with a significant 
reduction in its already small military forces. Currently Bulgaria's army has 
an authorized strength of 32,000. That may fall to 28,000. The cuts would take 
place over a four to five year period.

August 26, 2010: Two Greek F-16fighter jets collided on a mission over the 
Aegean Sea (near Crete). One pilot died in the crash.

August 18, 2010: Greece and Israel have begun discussions that may lead to 
expanded military cooperation. The discussions are a direct result of Israel 
and Turkey's recent confrontations, particularly the Gaza Flotilla earlier this 
summer. Greece sees expanded ties with Israel as a political victory over 
Turkey. Israel needs airspace to train its air force. Greece may provide it. 

August 15, 2010: Serbia wants the UN Security Council to issue a ruling that 
says it will prevent other separatist movements from using the ICJ July 22 
ruling as a pretext for declaring independence. The ICJ ruling was clearly a 
political victory for Kosovo.

August 14, 2010: Serbia announced that it intends to increase military exports 
to Iraq, which recently ordered 20 training aircraft from Serbia. Serbia wants 
to sell Iraq ammunition and some weapons. Serbia manufactures what is regarded 
as quality ammunition for Soviet-type weapons like the AK-47 assault rifle.

August 12, 2010: Greece remains in economic trouble. New data indicate that 
Greece's economy has continued to shrink. Second quarter GDP may have shrunk by 
1.5% to 2 %. These are not just numbers. The shrinking economy has led to voter 
disenchantment. It has also led to violent demonstrations and riots. Government 
workers are trying to fight a pay freeze imposed in an attempt to balance the 
budget. Terrorist and anarchist violence has increased. At the moment Greeks 
are particularly worried about the emergence of a group calling itself the 
Revolutionary Sect (also called the Sect of Revolutionaries and the rebel 
Sect). The outfit has the look of a classic Balkan anarchist faction. The 
Revolutionary Sect has indicated that it wants to damage Greece's economy so 
badly that an all-out revolution will erupt. The Revolutionary Sect means, of 
course, a leftist, anti-capitalist revolution. In July a Greek newspaper 
published an alleged Revolutionary Sect manifesto that said it intends to 
conduct widespread arson, sabotage, bombings and assassinations supported by 
violent demonstrations.

August 9, 2010: The Turkish government selected General Isik Kosaner as overall 
chief of its military. Kosaner is a compromise candidate. Relations between the 
Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the military have ranged from awkward 
to tense. The AKP styles itself as a moderate Islamist party. The military is 
pro-secularist and believes it is charged with defending Turkey's secular 
republic. Scores of officers and retired officers have been charged with 
plotting to overthrow the government. Recently the government and military 
reached an agreement. If the military did not promote officers suspected of 
being involved in a 2003 coup plot (code named Sledgehammer) then the 
government would drop charges against the 102 officers it claimed were involved 
in the plot. The military agreed to this condition and the charges were 
subsequently dropped. Turkey has NATO's second largest military.

August 7, 2010: A high level Turkish court annulled the arrest warrants of 102 
officers and retired officers implicated in an alleged 2003 coup plot against 
the government.

August 5, 2010: Croatian government officials held ceremonies to commemorate 
the fifteenth anniversary of the attack that ended the Serbo-Croat War: 
Operation Storm. That battle effectively ended the Bosnian War as well. In the 
attack Croat troops drove Serbian forces out of southern Croatia. The attack 
began on August 4, 1995 and lasted some 84 hours. Between 150,000 and 200,000 
ethnic Serbs fled Croatia after the attack. Serbians charge that the attack was 
an act of ethnic cleansing.

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