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Veljko Vujacic

Nationalism, Myth, and Politics: Russians and Serbs in the Dissolution of the 
Soviet Union and Yugoslavia. <> 

Room Information




Fri Oct 01 

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM 

 208N, North House



 <> Veljko Vujacic
Department of Sociology Oberlin College 

Contact Info

 <> Edith Klein


Professor Vujacic's fields of specialization include sociological theory, 
political and comparative-historical sociology, and social movements, with a 
special focus on communism and nationalism in the former Soviet Union and 
Yugoslavia. His articles on these themes and topics have appeared in Theory and 
Society, Post-Soviet Affairs, East-European Constitutional Review, The Harriman 
Review, Research in Political Sociology, The Encyclopedia of Nationalism, The 
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, East European Politics and 
Societies, and a number of edited volumes. He is currently completing a large 
comparative-historical study of Russian and Serbian nationalism and the 
disintegration of the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia and working on a new project 
on charismatic and plebiscitary leadership in late communism and post-communism.

Main Sponsor

 <> Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian 




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