Contribution of EU funds to the integration of Roma

As a follow up to the 2008 EU Roma Summit in Brussels and the High Level Events 
in Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc, Pecs and Szeged in October 2009 – and in the 
context of the EY2010 (fight against poverty and social exclusion), the 
Commission is organizing in Budapest on 15 September 2010 a seminar on how to 
facilitate the use of EU funds to support projects aiming at the integration of 
the Roma.

The seminar will aim at improving the access to EU funds for the integration of 
the Roma, by addressing the following issues: better access to information 
about funding opportunities, improved capacity building for applicants and 
beneficiaries and sustainable financing framework. 

Who will speak: representatives from the Commission, EU funds Managing 
Authorities, local authorities, Roma minority self governments, NGO active in 
Roma integration.

Who should participate: representatives from Ministries, Managing Authorities, 
intermediary bodies, regional development councils & agencies, local & regional 
authorities, Roma minority self governments, NGOs dealing with Roma integration

Interpretation in Hungarian and English 

The event will be combined with an exhibition.

Registration is now closed.

If you have any queries you may contact us at -

Description: City icon   City: Budapest (Hungary) 
Description: Address icon  Address: Novotel Budapest Centrum - Rakoczi ut 43-45

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