Hi list,

There is currently a proposal upstream for sos to change the naming pattern for sos tarballs (or more precisely, allowing distribution policies to change it):


Specifically, for the RH family (currently there would be no change to any other distros) this would change the tarball names from something like:




which I believe is easier on the eyes, and better for being able to quickly reference sosreports especially when there are multiple sosreports attached to a particular case. The 'abcdefg' at the end will be a random 7-alpha character string. For example, instead of parsing through the full date string, one can just say "look at sosreport qwertyu".

So I'm asking for feedback on making this change (or not). Particularly interested if this has the potential to cause trouble with any tooling/automation/etc anyone has in place for working with sosreports.


- jake

Jake Hunsaker
Sr. Container and Virtualization Support Engineer

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