On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 03:47:05PM -0700, Paul Goyette wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Aug 2009, David Young wrote:
>> To avoid amibiguities, I say that a digits-only name MUST match the
>> integer name.  ...
> Yes, I would agree with your match criterium.
>> ... That is, this should not be allowed:
>> sysctl_createv(NULL, 0,
>>               NULL, &cnode,
>>               NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 12, 3, CTL_EOL);
>> because that would create a node with the numeric path 12.3 whose string
>> path ends in "17".
> So all we end up doing is easing the restriction from "no leading digit"  
> to "at least one non-digit" in the node names.

I intend for sysctl_createv() to derive a name string from the number if
no name string is provided---i.e., if namep is NULL.  Sorry if I was not
clear about that.

> But that doesn't solve the problem which started this thread.  In that  
> example, we had a node whose entire name was "3"

I think that what I have described solves the problem.


David Young             OJC Technologies
dyo...@ojctech.com      Urbana, IL * (217) 278-3933

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