David Holland <dholland-sourcechan...@netbsd.org> wrote:
>  > What Joerg said.  They are low level kernel implementation details.
>  > These belong in a book or article or a wiki page or something, not the
>  > manual.
> We just went around on this like two or three weeks ago on spl
> internals. On the one hand, the man page should document the
> interface, not the implementation; on the other hand, anything global
> someone might run across while debugging or rototilling should be
> documented. The resolution the last time was to document the internals
> in a different man page. (And if we weren't out of man sections, it
> would seem like a good section distinction: kernel interfaces
> vs. kernel internals...)

First, I do not agree there was such resolution.

Second, what Joerg and Andrew said - these are implementation details
and should rather be commented in the code (or internals doc, wiki, etc).


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