On Tue, Jun 15, 2010 at 11:23:13AM +0300, Antti Kantee wrote:
 > > Well, I guess, but I would have expected it to install everything by
 > > default, as otherwise there could in theory be a problem with the sets
 > > it leaves off...
 > Such as?  The man pages not being accurate?  web2a containing misspelled
 > words ?)
 > (yes, i guess there's stuff like zoneinfo which actually could be tested)

Also stuff as simple as corrupt tarfiles...

 > >  > Second, working on the definition of "randomly missing".  Stay tuned.
 > > 
 > > I think it's hiding somewhere near the definition of "random number".
 > > Nine is a very random number. (http://www.dilbert.com/2001-10-25/)
 > Nine is not random at all.  It's not even a prime (although that's the
 > problem with factor(6): you can never be sure).  Everyone knows 3 and
 > 7 are much more random.

3 is not random at all; everyone knows things regularly come in
threes. 7 isn't much better: seven heavens, seven stones, seven seas,
etc. etc. ad nauseam.

Anyway, there is no 3 in three.

David A. Holland

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