On Sat, Dec 25, 2010 at 09:51:00PM +0200, Jukka Ruohonen wrote:
 > > > A related note: should we provide typeof(3) in the restricted namespace
 > > > instead, i.e. as __typeof(3)?
 > > 
 > > People are more likely to find the page if it's installed as
 > > typeof(3), I think, since that's how they'll think of it, and if
 > > necessary the page can include discussion of when it's an available
 > > symbol.
 > No, I mean shouldn't this be defined conditionally in cdefs(3)? But
 > as typeof(3) can not be replaced by another compiler-agnostic
 > construct (?), probably not.

Oh, I see. It might be desirable but as it's a language extension I'm
not sure we get that degree of control.

However, since AFAICR typeof is fairly likely to appear in c1x,
probably many compilers will eventually supply it.

David A. Holland

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