On Mon, Feb 21, 2011 at 01:45:01AM +1100, matthew green wrote:
> well, i dunno about others but i've found that the old modules
> lying around tends to fill up space pretty quickly, but ignoring
> that problem and looking at recent i386 builds, i see that the
> MONOLITHIC kernel set is only 440kb larger than GENERIC, yet the
> modules set is 3500kb.

This is not a real argument for or against. But the above shouldn't affect
releases, which is after all the goal of any software project. If you track
current, you are developing, or at least interested in the development, and
in that case having modules outweight the potential or real space costs, IMO.
You can always delete the modules, like you presumably delete old kernels too.

For the record, being involved in driver development, I tend to load as much
as possible from rc.local(5). The productivity gains are immense. The same
goes for rump(3), albeit for slightly different reasons.

- Jukka.

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