Antti Kantee wrote:
> I think that will be overengineering it, but if you want to come up with a
> concrete proposal patch, please.  I'd simply use discussion and not rushing
> commits to avoid issues here.

The code is in the tree already. I don't need anything else for
sljit. The sljit library doesn't support W^X protection. Rumpuser
has a way to create an executable page via rumpuser_anonmap(...
exec=true). I understand it's not perfect but it's not my area to
change memory management in rumpuser.

> If you don't have time to wait for discussion or coordination, do everything
> in the privacy of the sljit component.

Please teach me how to create a private component.

> In either case, there's no need for the "blocking development" drama card.

It's not a drama, it's a technical issue.

> ...

> For reference, here's what I wrote:
> === snip ===
> If the problem is syncing icache, the approach is correct.
> However, I'd argue that the problem is dynamically loading code into a rump
> kernel, and with that the interface falls somewhat short.  What if someone
> wants W^X?
> === snip ===
> If you understood that as "go ahead", sorry for not being clear, "falls
> short" was the comment that I was trying to ease in.

My problem is "syncing icache", therefore, "the approach is correct".

> I'm not saying that librumpuser must be POSIX.  I'm not sure where you're
> getting that from.


     The rumpuser hypercall interfaces allow a rump kernel to access host
     resources.  A hypervisor implementation must implement the routines
     described in this document to allow a rump kernel to run on the host.
     The implementation included in NetBSD is for POSIX hosts.

and it indeed broke builds on Linux because sysarch
stuff isn't available.

There is no way I can make this interface POSIX-compatible because
POSIX doesn't specify icache sync as far as I know.

> What I _am_ saying is that there must be some critical thought going in to
> the interfaces and their implications.  We're several years past the "oh
> I'll just add this because I need it today" stage of discovery.

Ok, I'll leave it to you to think about it. All I need now is a private
component for my change.

> ...

> It's a pure addition in the same sense as if you made a pure addition to
> NetBSD's Xen hypercall interface and made guests unconditionally use it.  It
> would not break the NetBSD build.  Would you assume that's a safe change to
> make?

In my case, I could easily build icache in rumpkern conditionally
with MKSLJIT if librumpuser didn't break on non NetBSD hosts.


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