On Nov 15,  3:59am, tsut...@ceres.dti.ne.jp (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

| christos@ wrote:
| > Well, the code should be functionally equivalent
| There were many examples "readability is better" for ancient ports.
| In most cases, geeks who knows the machines are not familiar
| with NetBSD, and NetBSD geeks don't know the hardware behaivor.
| > and I doubt that anyone
| > has ever tested the atari installboot in a little endian machine. Or the
| > vax one on atari, which was the other bug that gcc found and could have
| > never worked...
| Note sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot is not cross ready and just
| a native binary (it's in my TODO list to add atari support into
| MI installboot though).  Fortunately installer floppy doesn't require
| installboot. (bootstrap kernels are loaded by loadbsd.ttp for Atari TOS)
| > | I'm still trying to get atari booting with HAVE_GCC=48,
| > | but there are still more problems...
| > | (sysinst floppy overflow, sed(1) in the install floppy dumps core, etc)
| > 
| > How can I help? Is there an emulator?
| pkgsrc/emulators/aranym can boot FALCON kernel and show boot messages
| but it doesn't implement MFP timer required to run NetBSD/atari..
| Anyway, it looks even with gcc45 sed(1) in atari's sysinst.fs dumps core.
| ---
| erase ^H, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C
| [1]   Broken pipe             sysctl -n kern.root_partition |
|       Segmentation fault      sed y/0123456789/abcdefghij/
| mount: cannot open `/dev/fd0': No such file or directory
| Unable to mount /dev/fd0 read-write
| erase ^H, werase ^W, kill ^U, intr ^C
|  :
| ---
| You can test it on tme by copying crunched "/usr/bin/sed" binary
| from netbsd-7 atari's sysinst.fs.gz:
| "./sed y/0123456789/abcdefghij/" dumps core even on TME sun3
| (though the installer worked on NetBSD/atari 6.0 days).
| Some libc changes trigger it?

Crap, I trashed my sun3 tme. I will rebuild it....


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