On Nov 17, 10:06pm, tsut...@ceres.dti.ne.jp (Izumi Tsutsui) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: CVS commit: src/sys/arch/atari/stand/installboot

| So you are a person who are just interested in correctness
| but ignoring readabilty (no one can see why one uses normal
| assignments and others uses stream).  Why don't you change
| the cksum assignment to convert via void * pointer?

Why does everything have to be personalized and turned into an
argument? "I" am not interested in correctness and ignoring
readability, "I" am trying to come with a mutually amicable solution.
"The compiler" does not like the current state of affairs.

| Anyway, you are claiming TierII users can't choose implementation
| while our port page claims they have responsibility.
| I've been really tired and lost my motivation.
| Sorry.

Again, this is not a confrontation. Let's do the following:

Since you have the hardware and it is easiest for you, can
you please make a disk image of the resulting boot block and
put it up somewhere. Then I will take the MD installboot bits
and migrate them to the MI installboot and make sure that the
MI installboot binary produces the same disk image. Then you
can test.

Does this sound reasonable?


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