There are two things - the extended resolution and general timing handling.

The extendend resolution would be done providing the API. But there is quite some work to make the APIs fullfull the expectations. For that we would need to go into
the tickless direction and use precicion (one-) time interrupts for timeout
and timing handling. That would be a more elaborate project. FreeBSD is
using the precision time interrupts for a while now, if I looked correctly into
the kernel code.
But, I am too busy now for such a project.


On 01/04/17 20:52, Taylor R Campbell wrote:
    Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2017 10:58:47 +0100
    From: Frank Kardel <>

    I agree, the decision is whether we want bintime in the export format.

Sounds good to me.  We should use bintime more often.  I have been
meaning to add some high-resolution timer-related APIs that use it,
e.g. cv_timedwaitbt, but my round tuit tank is running on fumes.

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