On 23.02.2017 12:33, Robert Elz wrote:
>     Date:        Thu, 23 Feb 2017 13:48:10 +0300
>     From:        Valery Ushakov <u...@stderr.spb.ru>
>     Message-ID:  <20170223104810.gw20...@pony.stderr.spb.ru>
>   | > From: Kamil Rytarowski <n...@gmx.com>
>   | > In general we don't put POSIX/standard and nonstandard functions into
>   | > the same manual pages.
>   | 
>   | Where did you get that impression?
> Good question - Kamil, see:
>       man 2 wait
> for a counter example (there are many.)
> kre

I learnt it from this thraed:

List:       netbsd-tech-userlevel
Subject:    Re: reallocarr(3) cleanup
From:       David Holland <dholland-tech () netbsd ! org>
Date:       2015-03-18 0:07:45
Message-ID: 20150318000745.GB15136 () netbsd ! org
[Download message RAW]

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 12:00:51AM +0100, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:
 > On Tue, Mar 17, 2015 at 11:56:35PM +0100, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
 > > - merge reallocarr.3 to malloc.3 for consistency,
 > No. Don't put standard and non-standard functions in the same man page.


David A. Holland


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