On Mon, 8 Apr 2019, Maxime Villard wrote:

The reason I use MODULE_CLASS_ANY in both NVMM and KCOV is because this
class is invoked late in the boot process (init_main.c). Eg NVMM will use
allocators/xcalls which are not yet initialized in MODULE_CLASS_DRIVER,
but are in MODULE_CLASS_ANY.

No, at that late point in the boot process we load/activate all remaining modules without looking at their class at all! Please see
the MODULE_CALSS_MATCH() macro at


Also please note that the module(9) man page explicitly lists the
valid entries for the MODULE(class, ...) macro, and MODULE_CLASS_ANY is _not_ listed.

We're not loading "modules whose class is MODULE_CLASS_ANY" we are
loading "all remaining modules".

Please update your module to use MODULE_CLASS_MISC (or let me know
and I can do it).

| Paul Goyette       | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:     |
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