Date:        Sat, 1 Jun 2019 14:12:21 +0200
    From:        "J. Hannken-Illjes" <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Problem is sys/kern/kern_proc.c gets loaded into librump while
  | getcwd_common is in librumpvfs.  For the librump-only case
  | we have to supply stubs to librumpvfs functions.

Yes, I expect that would work.

  | The attached diff should do the job -- unfortunately my
  | build and test machine is not working aqt the moment.

So is mine ... that is, it is working, but my build is setup for
MKPIC=no at the minute, and that's not working.

I don't see any hurry to change this - the build is back working
(which was my objective) and the tests all seem to run the same
as they did before.

So, when you're able, go ahead and change this.   While you're
there you might want to find all the similar cases - -lrump is
listed 3 times for some builds (explicitly) - which can only be
because of interactions between the libraries I would have thought.


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