On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 09:48:11PM +0200, Martin Husemann wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2019 at 04:52:52AM +1000, matthew green wrote:
> > > Deprecate /usr/libdata/firmware.
> > 
> > FWIW, the separation was on purpose.
> > 
> > /libdata/firmware should be for things that are needed during
> > early boot only (eg, firmware that runs between mountroot and
> > init, such as GPU firmware), or network drivers one would use
> > to mount /usr over the network.  one could argue that this
> > driver matches and there's a dozen or more other drivers here
> > so i'm not asking for a revert (and i hope no one is running
> > /usr over wifi!), but /usr/libdata/firmware could come back
> > in the future..
> Besides the "needed early for boot" qualifier, we should also try to
> keep the size of the root partition small. Many systems have firmware
> that can only boot from restricted sized partitions and if you are not
> going for a separate /boot the traditional setup is size restricted /
> plus separately mounted /usr.
> Luckily none of those systems is likely going to need this wifi firmware ;-)
> Martin

It's bluetooth firmware, FWIW.

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