On Wed, Mar 11, 2020 at 7:22 AM Greg Troxel <g...@lexort.com> wrote:
> J. Hannken-Illjes <hann...@eis.cs.tu-bs.de> writes:
> >> Forgot to add in the commit log, the changes have been pulled in from
> >> upstream openzfs.
> >>
> >> https://github.com/openzfs/zfs/commit/928e8ad47d3478a3d5d01f0dd6ae74a9371af65e#diff-9fd6b453f8153161abe0728c449e6505R4386
> >
> > This is NOT our upstream --

For the sake of completeness, the upstream issue was discussed in a
private thread and kamil@ pointed out that the commit exists in the
ZFS on FreeBSD repository too.


Which was pointed out as the upstream from which current
implementation of NetBSD's ZFS was taken.

> This seems to be hard to figure out.  Is there someplace in the tree
> that says what our upsream is, and what theirs is, and how all of the
> various trees out there relate?  And how we should be sending things,
> and getting things?
> I tried to figure this out, and ended up with
> http://wiki.netbsd.org/zfs/
> which has lots of \todo statements.


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