On 23-06-11 15:38, Valery Ushakov wrote:
  | On Sun, Jun 11, 2023 at 22:19:42 +1000, Luke Mewburn wrote:
  | > My goal is to get the mk.conf(5) up to date and correct, and more usable.
  | > I intend to remove the duplication in BUILDING and bsd.README
  | > and refer back to mk.conf(5) to avoid the copypasta, with some updated
  | > boilerplate in BUILDING to describe how to find the referenced manual 
  | > within BUILDING if you're not on an NetBSD system.
  | That would be very nice, thanks.

I've made some more improvements to mk.conf(5).

I've now removed all the variables in BUILDING that are in mk.conf(5)
and added more cross references to mk.conf(5) from BUILDING,
including instructions how to find the source for the manual page
(because you might be on a non NetBSD-current host) and where the
manual pages are online.

Next stop, cleaning up share/mk/bsd.README ...

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