Module Name:    src
Committed By:   jruoho
Date:           Mon Feb 14 18:33:26 UTC 2011

Modified Files:
        src/share/misc: acronyms

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cvs rdiff -u -r1.202 -r1.203 src/share/misc/acronyms

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Index: src/share/misc/acronyms
diff -u src/share/misc/acronyms:1.202 src/share/misc/acronyms:1.203
--- src/share/misc/acronyms:1.202	Sat Feb 12 19:32:42 2011
+++ src/share/misc/acronyms	Mon Feb 14 18:33:26 2011
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-$NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.202 2011/02/12 19:32:42 dholland Exp $
+$NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.203 2011/02/14 18:33:26 jruoho Exp $
 10Q	thank you
 10X	thanks
 1337	elite ("leet")
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 AFU	all fucked up
 AFW	away from window
 AINEC	and it's not even close
+AISE	as I see it
 AIU	as I understand
 AIUI	as I understand it
 AKA	also known as
@@ -32,11 +33,13 @@
 ATW	around the world
 AWOL	absent without official leave
 AYBABTU	all your base are belong to us
+AYF	all your fault
 AYT	are you there
 B/C	because
 B/S	bullshit
 B/W	bandwidth
 B/W	between
+BAK	back at keyboard
 BBIAB	be back in a bit
 BBL	[I'll] be back later
 BBS	be back soon
@@ -56,12 +59,14 @@
 BIAW	back in a while
 BNYA	burned now you are
 BOATILAS	bend over and take it like a slut
+BOC	but of course
 BOFH	bastard operator from hell
 BOGAHICA	bend over, grab ankles, here it comes again
 BOHICA	bend over here it comes again
 BRB	[I'll] be right back
 BS	bullshit
 BTDT	been there, done that
+BTFT	been there, fixed that
 BTTH	boot to the head
 BTW	by the way
 CFV	call for votes
@@ -70,11 +75,13 @@
 CNP	continued [in my] next post
 COB	close of business [day]
 COTS	commercial off-the-shelf
+CPC	cost per click
 CU	see you
 CYA	see you around
 D/L	download
 DBEYR	don't believe everything you read
 DGAS	don't give a shit
+DIAFYO	did I ask for your opinion?
 DIY	do it yourself
 DKDC	don't know, don't care
 DND	do not disturb
@@ -84,6 +91,7 @@
 DTRT	do the right thing
 DTWT	do the wrong thing
 DWIM	do what I mean
+EDS	eternal downward spiral
 EG	evil grin
 EMSG	email message
 EOB	end of business [day]
@@ -102,6 +110,7 @@
 FIGJAM	fuck I'm good, just ask me
 FIIK	fuck[ed] if I know
 FIIR	fuck[ed] if I remember
+FITB	fill in the blank
 FM	fucking magic
 FML	fuck my life
 FNO	from now on
@@ -124,6 +133,7 @@
 FUBAR	fucked up beyond all recognition
 FUD	fear, uncertainty and doubt
 FWIW	for what it's worth
+FYEO	for your eyes only
 FYI	for your information
 G	grin
 G/C	garbage collect
@@ -143,6 +153,7 @@
 GJ	good job
 GL	good luck
 GLHF	good luck, have fun
+GLWT	good luck with that
 GMTA	great minds think alike
 GPS	global positioning system
 GR8	great
@@ -162,13 +173,16 @@
 HTH	hope this helps
 IAC	in any case
+IAE	in any event
 IANAL	I am not a lawyer
 IAWTC	I agree with this comment
 IC	I see
 ICBW	I could be wrong
 ICCL	I couldn't care less
+ICUR	I see you are
 IDK	I don't know
 IDRC	I don't really care
+IDTS	I don't think so
 IHAFC	I haven't a fucking clue
 IHBW	I have been wrong
 IHNFC	I have no fucking clue
@@ -179,10 +193,12 @@
 ILU	I love you
 ILY	I love you
 IMAO	in my arrogant opinion
+IMBO	in my biased opinion
 IMCO	in my considered opinion
 IMHO	in my humble opinion
 IMNSHO	in my not so humble opinion
 IMO	in my opinion
+INPO	in no particular order
 IOW	in other words
 IPML	I pissed myself laughing
 IRL	in real life
@@ -190,6 +206,7 @@
 ISTM	it seems to me
 ISTR	I seem to recall
 ITYM	I think you mean
+IUD	insert usual disclaimers
 IWBNI	it would be nice if
 IYKWIM	if you know what I mean
 IYSS	if you say so
@@ -206,9 +223,13 @@
 KISS	keep it simple, stupid
 KITA	kick in the ass
 KK	okay, okay
+KMA	keep moving ahead
+KMA	keep me advised
+KMA	kill me already
 KNF	kernel normal form
 KOS	kill on sight
 KTHX	okay, thanks
+KWIM	know what I mean?
 L8	late
 L8R	later
 LART	luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)
@@ -225,6 +246,7 @@
 LTNS	long time no see
 LWYL	laugh with you later
 M8	mate
+MAD	mutually assured destruction
 MIA	missing in action
 MOTAS	member of the appropriate sex
 MOTOS	member of the opposite sex
@@ -235,11 +257,13 @@
 NAFAIK	not as far as I know
 NBD	no big deal
 NE1	anyone
+NFA	no flaming allowed
 NFC	no fucking clue
 NFI	no fucking idea
 NFW	no fucking way
 NIFOC	naked in front of computer
 NIH	not invented here
+NIMBY	not in my backyard
 NMF	not my fault
 NMP	not my problem
 NOOB	newbie
@@ -250,6 +274,7 @@
 NRN	not right now
 NRN	no reply necessary
 NSFW	not suitable for work
+NUNP	no users, no problems
 NVM	never mind
 NXT	next
 O2W	off to work
@@ -258,9 +283,12 @@
 OMFG	oh my fucking god
 OMG	oh, my god
 OMW	on my way
+ONNA	oh no, not again
+ONNTA	oh no, not this again
 OOB	out of bounds
 OOC	out of curiosity
 OOI	out of interest
+OOSOOM	out of sight, out of mind
 OT	off topic
 OTL	out to lunch
 OTOH	on the other hand
@@ -270,6 +298,7 @@
 OWTTE	or words to that effect
 PDQ	pretty darn quick
 PEBKAC	problem exists between keyboard and chair
+PFI	pay for inclusion
 PFO	please fuck off
 PFY	pimply faced youth
 PHB	pointy haired boss
@@ -287,6 +316,7 @@
 POV	point of view
 PPL	people
 PPL	pretty please
+PPP	petty pet peeve
 PTV	parental tunnel vision
 QED	quod erat demonstrandum
 QFT	quoted for truth
@@ -299,6 +329,7 @@
 ROFL	rolling on floor laughing
 ROFLMAO	rolling on floor laughing my ass off
 ROTFL	rolling on the floor laughing
+ROI	return on investment
 RP	responsible person
 RSN	real soon now
 RSVP	repondez s'il vous plait (please reply)
@@ -308,12 +339,14 @@
 RTFM	read the fine/fucking manual
 RTFMP	read the fine/fucking man page
 RTFS	read the fine/fucking source
+SAR	some assembly required
 SCNR	sorry, could not resist
 SEP	someone else's problem
 SFA	sweet fuck all
 SFAICT	so far as I can tell
 SHID	slaps head in disgust
 SIMCA	sitting in my chair amused
+SITD	still in the dark
 SMH	shaking my head
 SMLSFB	so many losers, so few bullets
 SMOP	simple matter of programming
@@ -343,20 +376,25 @@
 TBD	to be {decided,determined,done}
 TBH	to be honest
 TBOMK	the best of my knowledge
+TCB	taking care of business
 THNX	thanks
 THX	thanks
 TIA	thanks in advance
 TIAVP	this is a volunteer project
+TIC	tonque in cheek
 TIL	today I learned
 TINC	there is no cabal
+TINWIS	this is not what I said
 TLA	three letter acronym
 TLC	tender loving care
 TLDR	too long, didn't read
 TM	trademark
+TM	trust me
 TMA	too many abbreviations
 TMG	too much government
 TMI	too much information
 TMJ	temporomandibular joint
+TMK	to my knowledge
 TMTOWTDI	there's more than one way to do it
 TNF	The NetBSD Foundation
 TOCTOU	time of check to time of use
@@ -365,8 +403,10 @@
 TRT	the right thing
 TTBOMK	to the best of my knowledge
 TTFN	ta ta for now
+TTM	to the moderator
 TTYL	talk to you later
 TTYS	talk to you soon
+TWAIN	thing without an interesting name
 TWDT	the whole damn thing
 TWIAVBP	the world is a very big place
 TY	thank you
@@ -377,9 +417,12 @@
 W/	with
 W/O	without
 W8	wait
+WAFWOT	what a foolish waste of time
 WAG	wild-ass guess
 WB	welcome back
 WCPGW	what could possibly go wrong
+WDYMBT	what do you mean by that
+WELC	working effectively with legacy code
 WFH	working from home
 WFM	works for me
 WIBNI	wouldn't it be nice if
@@ -396,6 +439,8 @@
 WTS	{want,willing,waiting} to sell
 WTT	{want,willing,waiting} to trade
 WYSIWYG	what you see is what you get
+WWJD	what would Jesus do?
+YAOTM	yet another off-topic message
 YAGNI	you ain't gonna need it
 YALIMO	you are lame, in my opinion
 YGM	you got mail
@@ -405,3 +450,4 @@
 YMA	yo momma's ass
 YMMV	your mileage may vary
 YW	you're welcome
+YWSYLS	you win some, you lose some

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