Module Name:    src
Committed By:   christos
Date:           Sat Mar 11 16:06:57 UTC 2017

Update of /cvsroot/src/external/public-domain/sqlite/dist
In directory

Log Message:
2017-02-13 (3.17.0)

Approximately 25% better performance from the R-Tree extension.
Uses compiler built-ins (ex: __builtin_bswap32() or _byteswap_ulong()) for 
byteswapping when available.
Uses the sqlite3_blob key/value access object instead of SQL for pulling 
content out of R-Tree nodes
Other miscellaneous enhancements such as loop unrolling.
Add the SQLITE_DEFAULT_LOOKASIDE compile-time option.
Increase the default lookaside size from 512,125 to 1200,100 as this provides 
better performance while only adding 56KB of extra memory per connection. 
Memory-sensitive applications can restore the old default at compile-time, 
start-time, or run-time.
Use compiler built-ins __builtin_sub_overflow(), __builtin_add_overflow(), and 
__builtin_mul_overflow() when available. (All compiler built-ins can be omitted 
with the SQLITE_DISABLE_INTRINSIC compile-time option.)
Added the SQLITE_ENABLE_NULL_TRIM compile-time option, which can result in 
significantly smaller database files for some applications, at the risk of 
being incompatible with older versions of SQLite.
Change SQLITE_DEFAULT_PCACHE_INITSZ from 100 to 20, for improved performance.
Added the SQLITE_UINT64_TYPE compile-time option as an analog to 
Perform some UPDATE operations in a single pass instead of in two passes.
Enhance the session extension to support WITHOUT ROWID tables.
Fixed performance problems and potential stack overflows when creating views 
from multi-row VALUES clauses with hundreds of thousands of rows.
Added the sha1.c extension.
In the command-line shell, enhance the ".mode" command so that it restores the 
default column and row separators for modes "line", "list", "column", and "tcl".
Enhance the SQLITE_DIRECT_OVERFLOW_READ option so that it works in WAL mode as 
long as the pages being read are not in the WAL file.
Enhance the LEMON parser generator so that it can store the parser object as a 
stack variable rather than allocating space from the heap and make use of that 
enhancement in the amalgamation.
Other performance improvements. Uses about 6.5% fewer CPU cycles.
Bug Fixes:

Throw an error if the ON clause of a LEFT JOIN references tables to the right 
of the ON clause. This is the same behavior as PostgreSQL. Formerly, SQLite 
silently converted the LEFT JOIN into an INNER JOIN. Fix for ticket 
Use the correct affinity for columns of automatic indexes. Ticket 
Ensure that the sqlite3_blob_reopen() interface can correctly handle short 
rows. Fix for ticket e6e962d6b0f06f46e.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-02-13 16:02:40 ada05cfa86ad7f5645450ac7a2a21c9aa6e57d2c"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: cc7d708bb073c44102a59ed63ce6142da1f174d1
2017-01-06 (3.16.2)

Fix the REPLACE statement for WITHOUT ROWID tables that lack secondary indexes 
so that it works correctly with triggers and foreign keys. This was a new bug 
caused by performance optimizations added in version 3.16.0. Ticket 30027b613b4
Fix the sqlite3_value_text() interface so that it correctly translates content 
generated by zeroblob() into a string of all 0x00 characters. This is a 
long-standing issue discovered after the 3.16.1 release by OSS-Fuzz
Fix the bytecode generator to deal with a subquery in the FROM clause that is 
itself a UNION ALL where one side of the UNION ALL is a view that contains an 
ORDER BY. This is a long-standing issue that was discovered after the release 
of 3.16.1. See ticket 190c2507.
Adjust the sqlite3_column_count() API so it more often returns the same values 
for PRAGMA statements as it did in prior releases, to minimize disruption to 
applications that might be using that interface in unexpected ways.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-01-06 16:32:41 a65a62893ca8319e89e48b8a38cf8a59c69a8209"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 2bebdc3f24911c0d12b6d6c0123c3f84d6946b08
2017-01-03 (3.16.1)

Fix a bug concerning the use of row values within triggers (see ticket 
8c9458e7) that was in version 3.15.0 but was not reported until moments after 
the 3.16.0 release was published.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-01-03 18:27:03 979f04392853b8053817a3eea2fc679947b437fd"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 354f6223490b30fd5320b4066b1535e4ce33988d
2017-01-02 (3.16.0)

Uses 9% fewer CPU cycles. (See the CPU performance measurement report for 
details on how this performance increase was computed.)
Added experimental support for PRAGMA functions.
Added the SQLITE_DBCONFIG_NO_CKPT_ON_CLOSE option to sqlite3_db_config().
Enhance the date and time functions so that the 'unixepoch' modifier works for 
the full span of supported dates.
Changed the default configuration of the lookaside memory allocator from 500 
slots of 128 bytes each into 125 slots of 512 bytes each.
Enhanced "WHERE x NOT NULL" partial indexes so that they are usable if the "x" 
column appears in a LIKE or GLOB operator.
Enhanced sqlite3_interrupt() so that it interrupts checkpoint operations that 
are in process.
Enhanced the LIKE and GLOB matching algorithm to be faster for cases when the 
pattern contains multiple wildcards.
Added the SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_GET_HANDLE file control opcode.
Added ".mode quote" to the command-line shell.
Added ".lint fkey-indexes" to the command-line shell.
Added the .imposter dot-command to the command-line shell.
Added the remember(V,PTR) SQL function as a loadable extension.
Rename the SQLITE_OMIT_BUILTIN_TEST compile-time option to SQLITE_UNTESTABLE to 
better reflect the implications of using it.
Bug Fixes:

Fix a long-standing bug in the query planner that caused incorrect results on a 
LEFT JOIN where the left-hand table is a subquery and the join constraint is a 
bare column name coming from the left-hand subquery. Ticket 2df0107b.
Correctly handle the integer literal -0x8000000000000000 in the query planner.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2017-01-02 11:57:58 04ac0b75b1716541b2b97704f4809cb7ef19cccf"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: e2920fb885569d14197c9b7958e6f1db573ee669
2016-11-28 (3.15.2)

Multiple bug fixes to the row value logic that was introduced in version 3.15.0.
Fix a NULL pointer dereference in ATTACH/DETACH following a maliciously 
constructed syntax error. Ticket 2f1b168ab4d4844.
Fix a crash that can occur following an out-of-memory condition in the built-in 
instr() function.
In the JSON extension, fix the JSON validator so that it correctly rejects 
invalid backslash escapes within strings.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-11-28 19:13:37 bbd85d235f7037c6a033a9690534391ffeacecc8"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 06d77b42a3e70609f8d4bbb97caf53652f1082cb
2016-11-04 (3.15.1)

Added SQLITE_FCNTL_WIN32_GET_HANDLE file control opcode.
Fix the VACUUM command so that it spills excess content to disk rather than 
holding everything in memory, and possible causing an out-of-memory error for 
larger database files. This fixes an issue introduced by version 3.15.0.
Fix a case (present since 3.8.0 - 2013-08-26) where OR-connected terms in the 
ON clause of a LEFT JOIN might cause incorrect results. Ticket 34a579141b2c5ac.
Fix a case where the use of row values in the ON clause of a LEFT JOIN might 
cause incorrect results. Ticket fef4bb4bd9185ec8f.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-11-04 12:08:49 1136863c76576110e710dd5d69ab6bf347c65e36"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: e7c26a7be3e431dd06898f8d262c4ef240c07366
2016-10-14 (3.15.0)

Added support for row values.
Allow deterministic SQL functions in the WHERE clause of a partial index.
Added the "modeof=filename" URI parameter on the unix VFS
Added the ability to VACUUM an ATTACH-ed database.
Enhancements to the command-line shell:
Add the ".testcase" and ".check" dot-commands.
Added the --new option to the ".open" dot-command, causing any prior content in 
the database to be purged prior to opening.
Enhance the fts5vocab virtual table to handle "ORDER BY term" efficiently.
Miscellaneous micro-optimizations reduce CPU usage by more than 7% on common 
workloads. Most optimization in this release has been on the front-end 
Bug Fixes:

The multiply operator now correctly detects 64-bit integer overflow and 
promotes to floating point in all corner-cases. Fix for ticket 1ec41379c9c1e400.
Correct handling of columns with redundant unique indexes when those columns 
are used on the LHS of an IN operator. Fix for ticket 0eab1ac759.
Skip NULL entries on range queries in indexes on expressions. Fix for ticket 
Ensure that the AUTOINCREMENT counters in the sqlite_sequence table are 
initialized doing "Xfer Optimization" on "INSERT ... SELECT" statements. Fix 
for ticket 7b3328086a5c116c.
Make sure the ORDER BY LIMIT optimization (from check-in 559733b09e) works with 
IN operators on INTEGER PRIMARY KEYs. Fix for ticket 96c1454c

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-10-14 10:20:30 707875582fcba352b4906a595ad89198d84711d8"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: fba106f8f6493c66eeed08a2dfff0907de54ae76
2016-09-12 (3.14.2)

Improved support for using the STDCALL calling convention in winsqlite3.dll.
Fix the sqlite3_trace_v2() interface so that it is disabled if either the 
callback or the mask arguments are zero, in accordance with the documentation.
Fix commenting errors and improve the comments generated on EXPLAIN listings 
when the -DSQLITE_ENABLE_EXPLAIN_COMMENTS compile-time option is used.
Fix the ".read" command in the command-line shell so that it understands that 
its input is not interactive.
Correct affinity computations for a SELECT on the RHS of an IN operator. Fix 
for ticket 199df4168c.
The ORDER BY LIMIT optimization is not valid unless the inner-most IN operator 
loop is actually used by the query plan. Fix for ticket 0c4df46116e90f92.
Fix an internal code generator problem that was causing some DELETE operations 
to no-op. Ticket ef360601

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-09-12 18:50:49 29dbef4b8585f753861a36d6dd102ca634197bd6"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: bcc4a1989db45e7f223191f2d0f66c1c28946383
2016-08-11 (3.14.1)

A performance enhancement to the page-cache "truncate" operation reduces COMMIT 
time by dozens of milliseconds on systems with a large page cache.
Fix to the --rbu option of sqldiff.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-08-11 18:53:32 a12d8059770df4bca59e321c266410344242bf7b"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: d545b24892278272ce4e40e0567d69c8babf12ea
2016-08-08 (3.14)

Celebrating the SQLite "# release" with a home-baked pie.
Added support for WITHOUT ROWID virtual tables.
Improved the query planner so that the OR optimization can be used on virtual 
tables even if one or more of the disjuncts use the LIKE, GLOB, REGEXP, MATCH 
Added the CSV virtual table for reading RFC 4180 formatted comma-separated 
value files.
Added the carray() table-valued function extension.
Enabled persistent loadable extensions using the new SQLITE_OK_LOAD_PERMANENTLY 
return code from the extension entry point.
Added the SQLITE_DBSTATUS_CACHE_USED_SHARED option to sqlite3_db_status().
Add the vfsstat.c loadable extension - a VFS shim that measures I/O together 
with an eponymous virtual table that provides access to the measurements.
Improved algorithm for running queries with both an ORDER BY and a LIMIT where 
only the inner-most loop naturally generates rows in the correct order.
Enhancements to Lemon parser generator, so that it generates a faster parser.
The PRAGMA compile_options command now attempts to show the version number of 
the compiler that generated the library.
Enhance PRAGMA table_info so that it provides information about eponymous 
virtual tables.
Added the "win32-none" VFS, analogous to the "unix-none" VFS, that works like 
the default "win32" VFS except that it ignores all file locks.
The query planner uses a full scan of a partial index instead of a full scan of 
the main table, in cases where that makes sense.
Allow table-valued functions to appear on the right-hand side of an IN operator.
Created the dbhash.exe command-line utility.
Added two new C-language interfaces: sqlite3_expanded_sql() and 
sqlite3_trace_v2(). These new interfaces subsume the functions of 
sqlite3_trace() and sqlite3_profile() which are now deprecated.
Added the json_quote() SQL function to the json1 extension.
Disable the authorizer callback while reparsing the schema.
Added the SQLITE_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_SQL_FUNCTION compile-time option and turned 
that option on by default when building the command-line shell.
Bug Fixes:

Fix the ALTER TABLE command so that it does not corrupt descending indexes when 
adding a column to a legacy file format database. Ticket f68bf68513a1c15f
Fix a NULL-pointer dereference/crash that could occurs when a transitive WHERE 
clause references a non-existent collating sequence. Ticket e8d439c77685eca6.
Improved the cost estimation for an index scan which includes a WHERE clause 
that can be partially or fully evaluated using columns in the index and without 
having to do a table lookup. This fixes a performance regression that occurred 
for some obscure queries following the ORDER BY LIMIT optimization introduced 
in version 3.12.0.

SQLITE_SOURCE_ID: "2016-08-08 13:40:27 d5e98057028abcf7217d0d2b2e29bbbcdf09d6de"
SHA1 for sqlite3.c: 234a3275d03a287434ace3ccdf1afb208e6b0e92


Vendor Tag:     SQLITE
Release Tags:   sqlite-3-17-0
U src/external/public-domain/sqlite/dist/sqlite3ext.h
C src/external/public-domain/sqlite/dist/sqlite3.c
U src/external/public-domain/sqlite/dist/sqlite3.h
C src/external/public-domain/sqlite/dist/shell.c

2 conflicts created by this import.
Use the following command to help the merge:

        cvs checkout -jSQLITE:yesterday -jSQLITE 

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