On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 03:09:43AM -0600, Henning Brauer wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs
> Module name:  src
> Changes by:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]       2008/09/12 03:09:43
> Modified files:
>       share/man/man4 : pflow.4 
> Log message:
> revert last unauthorized commit.
> I reAlly doN't ThiNk thAt ranDomLy capiTaliZing chAractErs iN woRdS mAkes
> tHeM loOk MoRe ImpoRtaNt eVeN iF cIScO tHinKs sO

i'm not sure i like this, for a number of reasons:

- googling for netflow generally gets me hits on "NetFlow"
- if you invent it, you get to call it what you want. by that i mean, if
  that's its name, then that's its name.
- (importantly for me) arbitrary capitalisation in proprietary names,
  protocols, products, etc. helps the reader know it's a "product" (for
  want of a better word). so if we talk about netflows, we could be
  talking about network flows (in general), but NetFlow is the protocol
  (or whatever).

i think it should stay NetFlow. we do this for lots of other things.


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