CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    net
Changes by:   2009/04/21 10:35:12

Log message:
    import pcapdiff:
    Pcapdiff is a tool developed by the EFF to compare two packet captures
    and identify potentially forged, dropped, or mangled packets.
    Two technically-inclined friends can set up packet captures on their
    own computers and produce network traffic between their two computers
    over the Internet.
    Later, they can run pcapdiff on the two packet capture files to
    identify suspicious packets for further investigation.
    Vendor Tag: sthen
    Release Tags:       sthen_20090421
    N net/pcapdiff/Makefile
    cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /cvs/net/pcapdiff/Makefile,v: No such file or 
    N net/pcapdiff/distinfo
    cvs: ERROR: cannot write file /cvs/net/pcapdiff/distinfo,v: No such file or 
    cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /cvs/net/pcapdiff/files -- not added: No such file 
or directory
    cvs: ERROR: cannot mkdir /cvs/net/pcapdiff/pkg -- not added: No such file 
or directory
    No conflicts created by this import

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