CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by:    2009/06/05 17:39:51

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/relayd: check_script.c control.c hce.c imsg.c imsg.h 
                         pfe.c relay.c relay_udp.c relayd.c relayd.h 
        usr.sbin/relayctl: relayctl.c 

Log message:
4 handed diff with eric:
Stop pushing event handling in the imsg framework.
Instead, provide a small glue layer on top of both imsg and libevent.
This finally clearly separates event handling and imsg construction.

Sidetrack bonus: remove the mega-ugly hack of having a dummy imsg_event_add
stub in relayctl.

This will make bgpd (and thus henning) happy. Next up are smtpd and ospfd.

ok eric@

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