CVSROOT: /cvs Module name: src Changes by: 2018/10/03 23:00:40
Modified files: sys/arch/amd64/amd64: acpi_wakecode.S cpu.c identcpu.c lapic.c locore.S pmap.c vector.S sys/arch/amd64/include: codepatch.h cpufunc.h i82489var.h pmap.h Log message: Use PCIDs where they and the INVPCID instruction are available. This uses one PCID for kernel threads, one for the U+K tables of normal processes, one for the matching U-K tables (when meltdown in effect), and one for temporary mappings when poking other processes. Some further tweaks are envisioned but this is good enough to provide more separation and has (finally) been stable under ports testing. lots of ports testing and valid complaints from naddy@ and sthen@ feedback from mlarkin@ and sf@