CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2018/12/07 05:52:47

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/dhcpd : pfutils.c 

Log message:
I noticed the "pf table handler" process not going away on dhcpd restart,
looked at the error handling here, and.... oh my.
If opening /dev/pf on startup fails, don't just warn and move on, but bail.
If chroot (or the chdir after) fail, don't just warn and move on, bail.
If dropping privileges fails, the last thing we want to do is to just move
on with root privs, having warned or not.
If the pipe to the parent process is closed, that almost certainly means
that the parent process went away, and it absolutely certainly means that
the table handler process has no meaningful reason to exist any more, thus
ok florian ccardenas krw

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