CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2019/06/07 02:07:52

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/acme-client: acctproc.c acme-client.1 certproc.c 
                              extern.h http.c http.h json.c main.c 

Log message:
Implement RFC 8555 "Automatic Certificate Management Environment
(ACME)" to be able to talk to the v02 Let's Encrypt API.

With this acme-client(1) will no longer be able to talk to the v01
API. Users must change the api url in /etc/acme-client.conf to
Existing accounts (and certs of course) stay valid and after the url
change acme-client will be able to renew certs.

Tested by Renaud Allard and benno
Input & OK benno

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