CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    src
Changes by: 2019/06/17 09:04:59

Modified files:
        usr.sbin/rpki-client: as.c cert.c cms.c crl.c io.c ip.c log.c 
                              main.c mft.c output-bgpd.c roa.c rsync.c 
                              tal.c test-cert.c test-ip.c test-mft.c 
                              test-roa.c test-tal.c validate.c x509.c 
Removed files:
        usr.sbin/rpki-client: configure 

Log message:
Don't do -portable in base.  It is better done outside the tree.
Imagine if we did it throughout the tree, how many copies of strlcpy
would we have, and how much time would all the configure shell scripts
and includes take?  It would be ludicrous.

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