CVSROOT:        /cvs
Module name:    www
Changes by:   2019/11/08 07:51:07

Modified files:
        .              : cvsync.html anoncvs.html 
        build          : Makefile mirrors.dat mirrors.tmpl 
        build/mirrors  : anoncvs.html.head 
Removed files:
        build/mirrors  : cvsync.html.end cvsync.html.head 

Log message:
- describe and list rsync repo mirrors in anoncvs.html and point at the
reposync script in packages. (note that there was a slight syntax change
in reposync-0.5, build that version from ports if you want to use it
before packages are available).

- stop building cvsync.html, cvsync is getting removed. replace it with a
link to the new anoncvs.html section.

may need further changes but these are easier to handle in smaller chunks
with the main part out the way, so committing now.

ok benno

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